Generate traffic website is fundamental part of our business, however many times we enredamos not knowing how to do it effectively. And the truth is that to generate traffic web nor even you have to spend money, just spend your time to generate it. I’ll then show 4 ways to get free web traffic: 1. Yahoo answers. Yahoo has a forum where people do all sorts of questions concerning various topics. Here is where your going to get traffic to your website as?, because answering those questions. Do not try to sell anything, just trying to help people giving a solution to your question and in your signature, put a link to your website.
If you dedicate yourself to give concrete solutions to those questions, people will recognize your selfless contribution and will want to visit your link to know more on the subject. Remember that nobody likes us to sell, why not you do it directly, unless someone ask in particular. 2 Squidoo.2. Write articles at squidoo is a very good source of free web traffic. And if you already have your blog and want to position it for a Word key, nothing better to write an article on squidoo and link to your blog with an anchor text of your keyword, since squidoo provides you quality for your websites backlinks.
3 List of emails. This you must have heard it hundreds of times, builds your subscriber list, and it is because it just works.This you must have heard it hundreds of times, builds your subscriber list, and it is because it just works. Your list of subscribers will be your most powerful asset of your business. So gun your landing page and bring traffic with previous techniques and start creating your list. Create a landing page is not so difficult as it seems, and you can create it in just 5 minutes. 4 Bookmarking. Sites of bookmarking such as delicious, digg, stumbleupon, among others, are a great way to publicize your web pages. Moreover bookmarking sites give you quality backlinks for positioning your websites. That is to say that, to add a website to not only bookmarking sites thing you’ll be raising awareness to millions of people, but also the estaras positioning in search engines. Tip: Choose keywords with low competition (less than 200,000) and high number of searches (more than 250). There you have it, 4 ways to generate traffic web free, only you must spend your time to do so. If you want to know more technical generation of traffic, view to web traffic.