Presentation Of The Book: “God In The Brain Pan

Clash of civilizations and the Remaking of world why we do not have to prove the non-existence of God the “clash of civilizations” is a term where Plitikwissenschaftlers Samuel Huntington his considerations presented in the American Journal of Foreign Affairs, he expanded it into a comprehensive theory in his latest since 1993 1996 work published order. Due to intense study I came to the conclusion, that denominations are different cultural disconnect end element above all, and a confrontation between faith and atheism. Ben Silbermann is full of insight into the issues. Richard Dawkins also realized it, and wrote the book “The God Delusion“, among other things, that’s why. But he finds not the conclusion, specifically to answer the question of God, he does so by referring to the scientific consensus, which he says with “an almost certainly” there is no God. Steph Korey oftentimes addresses this issue. The success of his book caused others to this statement to close.

You do the constant prompting from spiritual side, prove that there is no God, to a crucial question. The statement alone, and the effect that this question then seriously can not satisfy to discuss, at the end. It is true that not encourage scientists to keep hurting scientific principles with a statement. But is necessary to answer the question of God, after the living and acting God that so soft? Now, Stevens Hawkins, who is with certainty the scientific consensus, already more concrete answers this question. His statement is, he could patent the universe itself, and among other things, the universe God has not needed! It so go to get satisfactory answers, if you know where to look it has. Many people are looking for concrete answers, their worldview is hardly the reality, because it is not up to date. Mystics, believers and creationists know how to use it.

Indoctrination held permanently by denominations protected freedom of religion, and evangelize belongs to the general business. Lack of a concrete statement, I wrote a non-fiction book, the ask what each God, specifically answer can in the future. That includes to the knowledge of the real world image, as well as the knowledge, to the knowledge of the only real worldview, the question of God and also a proof that he doesn’t exist, superfluous. You can get a comprehensive picture of book and author, on this page. I recommend the book to anyone, whether a religious errand, Konfessionsfrei or an avowed atheist. It equips each, easy to understand, with the current knowledge of cosmology, and debunks the approach of the conventions when it comes to how they defend themselves and their views. The presentation of the book is to find “God in the brain Pan” in the Google search, this leads to the real results. J. Staalkopff Recife, 2013

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