The hangers are a mold that simulates the silhouette of the shoulders of the human body, in order to avoid that you wrinkling; hangers are mainly made of three materials such as plastic, metal or wood. Spars history begins in the 19th century, to be more exact in the year 1869, where connecticut North was presented for the first time made by hard-wire hanger. A few years later President Thomas Jefferson invents the hook of wood, as an option to hang clothes without creasing them, although it is good to make the clarification that the wire hanger is currently the most widely used. In 1932 the perch has her great evolutionary step to create the hanger with two stalls, where you can get a sweater and trousers at the same time, this gave rise to the creation and mass marketing of this product throughout the United States. After 1950 the hangers were used both in personal use such as commercial, using them as counter, so to speak it, clothes. Such is currently the development of hangers, that these now they can be flexible and have hooks to ensure that clothes from falling off them. Today there are very peculiar hangers.
Some of them such as: hangers for ties: they are designed for the exclusive use of neckties, these consist of a system of hooks, sometimes electronic, holding of ties. Hangers for belts: they are made of metal, with the purpose that perch not silk against the weight of the belts in general, these have a few special handles to make the belts do not fall. Hangers for stockings: are designed with a system that has a large number of clips that hold the stockings. Cubridoras hangers: are hangers designed in such a way that after hanging garments, these are covered by a sort of cover that protects the garment of all kinds of environmental factor; These hangers are usually used for gala garment care. Hear other arguments on the topic with Ruth Porat. Perches for birds: this is a very curious element used so that the birds can perch above the. In to the present also find such number of hangers applications ranging from special clothing hangers for baby, going through the hangers with designs and color cartoon, until the weird and mentioned perches for birds. In conclusion the invention of hangers allowed that the evolution of some industries such as the textile and marketing would be favored by her, without commenting that when giving order to our closet converted to a tool of vital importance. It is proper to note that currently the use of hangers also is this getting into the world of decoration, thanks to its amount of colors, materials and shapes in which these may be elaborated.