In the states of watch and dream with dreams, there are thoughts, and there are also a world. In the same way that the spider emits of itself the thread (of the spiderweb), and it dissuades again it inside of itself, thus also the mind projects the world of itself and again reabsorbe inside of itself. When the mind leaves Itself, it appears the world. Therefore, when the world appears (like real), Itself it does not appear, and when the Being appears (he shines), the world does not appear. When one it investigates persistently within the nature of the mind, this one will end up leaving Itself (like the remainder). What It is called, is the Atman.
The mind exists always only in dependency of something crude; it cannot remain single. The mind is what the body or the soul is called? That arises like I in this body, is the mind. If one investigates as far as where I arise the first in the body thought, one discovers that it arises in the heart. That is the place of origin of the mind. Only with thinking I constantly – I, one will be lead to that place. Of all the thoughts that arise in the mind, the thought I is first. Only after the sprouting of this thought I arise the other thoughts. Only after the appearance of the personal pronoun of the first person, they appear person and the personal pronoun second third; without the personal pronoun of the first person, there will be the second nor no the third party.
Through the meditation in the forms of God and a traverse of the repetition of mantras, the mind happens concentrated. The mind always will be vagando. As well as when a chain occurs to an elephant it maintains so that it in his tube, is dedicated to maintain the chain and nothing else, thus also when the mind is occupied with a name or a form only it will grasp to that.