Monthly Archives: October 2012


How to transport a car Transport of cars it is not a too difficult task, but to plan it in advance and to choose the transport service of cars are essential so that the transfer is successful. Classes on watch. In order to transport a car, there are 3 options essentially (each one of as will be examined with more thoroughness down): 1) The car is drived until its destiny with provisional commercial matriculation. 2) The car is transported in an individual trailer for cars. 3) The car is transported in a trailer for several cars. That they take the car to its destiny, by means of a conductor with provisional commercial matriculation, can be the cheapest option. Nevertheless, there are more possibilities of than it suffers some damage by the way, to the being lead by highway (although a good transport service of cars with complete certainty will have insurance). Secondly, it will increase the kilometrage of the car, that can be significant in very long trips.

To transport the car in a trailer for a single car is probably the option more face, inasmuch as the cost is not distributed with other clients. If its vehicle is irreplaceable or especially valuable it can choose a closed trailer, but this option is more expensive. To use a trailer for many cars must be the economic option, when distributing itself the cost between many clients. Nevertheless, the delivery door door is not feasible in this case (with this method, the transport service of cars normally gives the car in a near center of distribution, where it must gather the vehicle). They are the transport companies of worthy cars of confidence? Once the subjects of the price and the insurance have been solved, it must be clear that the transport companies of cars are worthy of confidence and can deposit their confidence in which they try as it is deserved to a so valuable machine. Although he is not frequent that appears problems, these can arrive, so it is very important to prevent them as rapidly as possible.

After the delivery. That the car suffers damages during the transport is frequent pore and a lack of cooperation in case of suffering some damage is very little probable. Before taking legal routes or other resources it is necessary to try to resolve any problem with the company directly. In case it happens the worse thing, organisms such as the services of Attention to the Consumer can attend to him.

Brazilian History

The Brazilian people is always other people’s to the situation of the country. We do not have conscience of what it is nationality and our proper independence was made by foreigners. Throughout our history he had some fights for emancipations, however of Portugal however of a central government in Brazil, but rare they are those where really popular participation existed; inexistent is the revolts where the elite after remained in the fight the entrance of ' ' povo' ' in the fight. ' ' nata' ' of the Brazilian society, always moved blindly for its proper interests, it denies the people the power to participate in the decisions of the country. Our first republic was clearly nobilirquica, and excessively they can be easily described as oligarchical.

The supplied classrooms more fear one ' ' democracy real' ' , therefore the country running a serious risk to less come back its investments toward instruction of the favored classrooms, instead of continuing paying subsidies for plantations; or isentando of great tributes private companies. It is important to emphasize: &#039 does not exist; ' democracy real' ' without the people has limitless access to the education; therefore without this, no matter how hard the vote exists right, the population will not have conditions to discern between what it is really good for it and the clientelismo that still reigns today in our elections. It is easy to perceive, that in brazilian lands it does not have some feeling of nationality after the pantry of the world. Probably that is consequence of the historical evolution of our education. It is excellent to stand out that since the settling, that the country does not make a superior investment 10% of its P.I.B in this area. Perhaps this is the starting point for all our problems with country, for our lack of pride to be a people.

The necessary Brazilian to know to read to love the Portuguese as its language mother. He lacks to know the history of its people to be proud of the bravery of its heroes. Brazil needs quality education to feel people, to be nation. , For Matheus Amilton Martins UFPE? CFCH? Department of history? Chair of instrumental Portuguese

Mein Kampf

Alain Viala writes down that ‘ ‘ the phenomenon of the clientele is banal in century XVII and in redor of rich and powerful personages, individuals or groups congregate themselves that if place its service in exchange for diverse vantagens’ ‘ (LAJOLO, Marisa? ZILBERMAN? Regina, 2001, p.34). This courageous, roubadora infant of books and charmer of the Death obtained sufficiently. He obtained to learn to read, to write, to produce its proper text (speech), everything this or alone, or with the aid of that they loved really it. Before ‘ ‘ not only the ethnic universe was limited: the booksellers also were penalizados when they divulged sorts proibidos’ ‘ (LAJOLO, Marisa? ZILBERMAN, Regina, 2001, P. 37) had always occurred, however, the ones that write good workmanships and those that do not make it (a good example would be the Mein Kampf). Others write divinais workmanships, that also please the reading Death. In the world, it seems, it always had of these and others.

On the author, what we verify is that in general was in the hand of others, ‘ ‘ the recognition of that the author of the text is the owner of the workmanship and that this property, as any another object of value, can be transmitted it outrem has worthy consequences of nota’ ‘. (LAJOLO, Marisa? ZILBERMAN, Regina, 2001, P. the 59) poets also they had given price to its poetries, ‘ ‘ in the frank and direct exposition of the interest of the poet in gaining money, one of myths of the literary tradition occidental person, responsible rupture for the good mood and originalidade of versos’ breaks itself; ‘ (LAJOLO, Marisa? ZILBERMAN, Regina, 2001, p 79). Of this form, the ideal would be to imitate the small Liesel: to choose our readings, to read, but cautiously, because ‘ ‘ the words weigh muito’ ‘ (ZUSAK, 2007: p.368). a book, you knows, is a workmanship that can be ‘ ‘ so direful and so glorious, and to so have words and histories so cursed and brilhantes’ ‘ (ZUSAK, 2007, P.
