Monthly Archives: February 2013


It is sad and frustrating to see how the profession of communication sciences in our days is trampled and usurped by people who have never studied the profeson, while the owners of the means of communication, directors and other staff argue that it is not necessary to professionalize to develop communications activities, but this problem is not only, imagine that nowadays the means they use a system of hiring staff through amiguismoswhich is the weight requirement to get into work, being marginalized titles and experience. If you my reader querito someday performs research on this interesting and delicate subject, you will notice that the directors of the media placed obstacles to prevent a membership in our profession, perhaps one of the main is that oppose emphatically the membership of our profession, because they consider that it violates the law free d issuance of thought, wanting to cover the Sun with a finger, because they try to bumble that act at your convenience and craving because to be approved be see affected their political and economic interests. It has been said that a professional Communicator is a master of masses that orients, educates, informs and recreates but to keep the owners of the media this philosophy as it is can educate, guide, inform and professionally recreate if it lacks culture and preparation. While a professional with degree of Licenciado en Ciencias de la Comunicacion remains underemployed, paying a salary of hunger either forming part the huge row of unemployed with a title of ornament on the wall. Do to analyze this whole problem, where the Government does deaf ears as well as the directors of different schools or faculties of communication sciences pernamecen in a position psiva of arms crossed because not the subject in the most interested at least I wonder: to what there are such units academic in my country if the end media prefer to recruit personal little or no qualified?.

With great sadness I see as a communication student spends time, effort ysobre all money for culminating his career, graduating as Bachelor of communication receive as stimulus remain underemployed or unemployed because the media don’t give opportunity unless you have the prerequisite for being able to work otherwise I am referring to cronyism. It is necessary that public opinion international know truly what the contrivances of the owners and directors of media in my country Guatemala otherwise massaged at your convenience. I believe that with a professional association rather than harm would act to maintain codes of ethics mejoraria and professional quality of work, as soon as the processing of the message, doing a professional job without political ties or interests of any kind.

MLM Business

MLM businesses have, like every business, its advantages and its disadvantages. Among the advantages more important, highlights the minimum investment required to launch them, but this usually often become the main drawback. What any person does when he embarks on a traditional business?. You usually have to invest a lot of money on facilities (premises, products, employees, expenses for light, water, telephone, advertising, etc), so it uses all resources at its disposal so that everything works swimmingly, and doesn’t skimp on expenses or in devoting the time that is needed to get it, because what is much is at stake and not that goes wrong can afford to. That happens when it’s a MLM business?. Because in this case he has none of mentioned expenses, so the level of concern is usually much lower.

If the person entering this type of business has not acquired the necessary training, it is usual that you will not you very well at the beginning, and that is very logical and normal, and should not be cause for surprise. If your sponsor is as it should be it should tell you the way to follow, provide you the means for your training and the tools that you’ll need to continue forward, but everything will depend on yourself, your own efforts. The main reason why your business MLM could not operate precisely is their main advantage, i.e. because investment has been very small. This makes that don’t worry enough, and you start to convince yourself that finally, after only entered the business to test, and that it doesn’t matter if you do not work because you have not lost anything, and this will serve as a lesson to not return to the temptation to get you again in this type of business, that don’t work. This reasoning is the usual one that make people who have not endeavoured to take the business forward, but the reality is that the business has not worked for them because they have not considered it as a serious business.

So that if these in a MLM business and does not consider it as a real business, and if you don’t do the same way as what would you do if you had a traditional business, do not wait that it works. That is pure reality. you that would you do if you had a clothing store, for example, and not had much clientele? I am sure that pondrias up a lot of resources, tratarias buy cheapest, pondrias advertising, pondrias a luminous sign, would you do deals, etc. Then because in your MLM business not running put all resources at your fingertips? If your sponsor is telling you that you attend training conferences to learn more about the business and the tools at your fingertips because you do? If your sponsor you is saying that you promotions business in a certain way, to get more prospects because do not? If your sponsor you is telling you to read a certain book where they explain you about certain things that will help you be more effective, or to be more motivated because you do? Hence this key from because does not work your MLM business, only it comes to consider it a serious business. So which assimilates well this concept because it is the first stone of the foundation of your business.

Start A Business From Home

Everyone knows that there are people who have talent and who can perform a job or task better than others. For example, there are people who have a special sensitivity towards music and composer profession that can develop with full satisfaction. The same happens with those who have suitability for sport, art, science, the media and even businesses. However there is also another type of individuals whose only desire is to make a sad and monotonous, that does not require much effort and work in which the level of demand is minimal. This type of people tend to get up early in the morning to go to the Office or to your job, reluctantly, and with the terrible prospect of a workday of 8 hours or more a day to perform a kind of work that usually does not report any kind of satisfaction at a personal level. The only satisfaction you get is compensation for wages for an occupation that didn’t even like him.

People who are trapped in the belief of a fixed seat for all life and opposed to the changes and the logical evolution of the times, often pay the consequences in the long run. Everyone knows that in this life there is no nothing that lasts forever and less a job. However at some point in our working lives, we have to confront the inevitable situation of retirement. Then when we ask the following questions: will we have enough capital to be able to live in dignity to stop working? We rely others to live day to day? Until when will last our retirement under the news that there is about the disappearance of the welfare State? In summary. Whats your vital project for when you retire? Can you keep your pace of modern life? or on the contrary your standard of living will be seriously affected? Today, thanks to the evolution of the Internet, starting a casaes easy task negociodesde.

DVD Controls

Progressively each appliance or device that we use has built and continues to do so, the remote control mode: electronic devices as: televisions, camcorders, video recorders, DVD equipment, personal computers, equipment air conditioning, lighting systems, systems of irrigation by aspersion, the Wi-Fi system, audio equipment there are also remote controls for Playstation Ps3, Ps2, Wii, Xbox 360, and other game consolesdigital cameras, receivers of satellite phones, remote controls for portonesautomaticos, all types of doors, Windows, openings and closings, also is used to remote control for handling cars, airplanes and other games with radio control. In short, if we evaluate the market of remote controls and its presence in the activities of individuals and companies, it is worth put us to think which are possible and excellent businesses that are presented through these devices that have become a partner essential to the comfort of everyday life, saving time and energy. What happens when a remote control is broken and needs repair? Many electronic devices and other devices operate exclusively via controls or remote controls, and if it is not so, when the user loses this item or the same breaks, loses a significant amount of functions that provide such apparatus and which become operational only through these gadgets and remotely. Often happens that at the time of wanting to buy a remote control or new control, factory or importer of appliances has discontinued his provision, by age, disuse or by any other cause. Repair of remote controls and remote controls, here becomes a very good business for the entrepreneur observer for opportunities to make money that are presented. Position itself as a provider of remote controls of all kinds for excellence, is a capital, than when it spreads gives you a great demand by a potential audience. Providing solutions is the question, though it may seem superfluous, providing or repairing these gadgets It brings a great relief to many people who want to continue to enjoy in full the services and benefits that give them their computers and other maquinasque operating distance.

Purchase, sale and repair of remote controls, you can specifically be the category for your personal proximoemprendimiento. If you positions as a leader in this category in your city and its areas of influence, it will bring you lot of work and money. You can contact, factories and importers of controls and remote control, manufacturers and suppliers of universal controls. Universal remote control, comes to be one solution for remote controls that are not already available both as to unify the operation of several devices in a home or Office. You can provide these controls that are practical and economic, sell original, generic, universal controls or simply dedicate yourself to your repair, you have here a long-term business in this category.

Original Package

Usually people who have to travel because their job requires it spend much. Everything is more expensive when programs your flight with little time in advance and also always comes out much more expensive because you are travelling for a few days and rates increases. If you have this problem already you don’t need to worry, because it has designed a special package for you. Travel agencies are very good when scheduling vacation, but in business trips always fail because all packets are several days or even weeks. The innovation that has brought an airline is the business trip to your measure.

What you need on your business trip is that the hotel is comfortable, because you have to rest after working so much that your flight is safe and if it is possible that take you from the airport to the hotel. With this new package you have it all! For the business trip package includes hotel nights in the best hotels in the major cities, there is a portfolio of very large where you can choose according to your needs and best of all is that you can purchase your package from a night in a hotel. You will travel completely safe because the airline that offers the package has the best aircraft of Mexico and better trained staff. In addition to this package includes transportation Airport-Hotel – Airport to which no battles. And all this at unbelievable prices! Original author and source of the article

Online Business

The biggest problem when I decided to create my own business from home internet and the large amount of information was that in a twinkling of an eye you face. Do I wondered then: that information will be good with so much garbage on the internet? Who trust not to lose what little I have? Real having this new method of making money and start a business even if you don’t know absolutely nothing of internet or business? Do product to sell if I don’t have it and how to find it? And so many, many questions more…which I’m sure you too have. My unique elixir to follow and act was my obsession does not continue working for others if I could at the same time being at my home with my children and create an own capital without having to worry about the day that I retire and that will be my family? I said so that action that time is short. First thing is find who join that offers what you need to start doing this desire money because you will save it, time because seguiras a way that already this wrought and headaches by avoiding the saturation of so much information and the paralizis that this breeds when it comes to action. How to search or find a program that is your solution? A long time ago that what you learn will be with you always and will help you when you need it, so knowledge and a good workout is the first thing to keep in mind. Search for an affiliate not only you the necessary tools but you train and you will keep tanto of the latest ideas, technologies and discoveries. After and something that is very important when it comes to a business on the internet is to create a list of your followers or buyers. This is your public, your business, but also your family and your life therefore you must eat constantly this list with information and good content that you think do not say anything new, because if the hare, don’t miss it Ileana original author and source of the article.