Monthly Archives: January 2019

Yves Rocher

With the protective pure Aphloia extract soothes the velvety, soothing care milk Sun-stressed skin and intensify after the summer Tan. The Protectyl Vegetal apres-Soleil care milk intensive Tan with Aloe Vera extract and a gently dose self tanning ingredient gives faster an even Tan that lasts. Dermatologically tested. Confirmed efficacy: the natural Tan will be stepped up in 88% * of cases. * Application test run with 23 women. Satisfaction rate % price: 11.90 (22,00 SFR) / pump spray 150 ml Protectyl Vegetal apres-Soleil sunburn SOS-gel ultra-refreshing gel soothes the skin after sunburn immediately and reduces feelings of stress. The Protectyl Vegetal apres-Soleil sunburn SOS gel with the protective Aphloia pure extract and Aloe Vera, for their soothing effect is known, the skin intensively moisturized. Even after a sunburn, the skin feels again soft and supple.

Dermatologically tested. Confirmed efficacy: the skin is immediately soothes in 91% * of cases * application test run with 23 women. Satisfaction rate %. Price: 9.90 (22,00 SFR) / tube 150 ml of plant active ingredient: Yves Rocher researchers have the apres-Soleil Edition of the Protectyl Vegetal line with the protective ingredient Aphloia enriched. The leaves of the Aphloia tree, which grows on the island of Madagascar, the Yves Rocher research for plant cosmetics has discovered an active molecule that helps to stimulate the protection system and the regeneration mechanisms of the skin. The pure Aphloia extract is a patented discovery of Yves Rocher laboratories. The market launch date: May 2011 available in the Internet at ( or), in the shipping trade on the hotline number 0180-52053 (CH: 0848 / 874873;) A: 0662 / 8880) as well as from the Yves Rocher – beauty shop.

Mr Haack Where do you see the strengths and weaknesses in his trade? (C). Eichler: Mr Haack has a high expertise, a very large experience with over 25 years in the markets and can thus detect very fast current market correlations. He is the soft-facts also able,”over and over again to a successful puzzle to put together. Just the elusive sentiment and market psychology are frequently decisive criteria for the lasting success in the stock market. In addition, Mr Haack responds flexibly to market changes and not stubbornly sticking to a trade. Mr Haack succeeds even in difficult times to maintain his style and avoiding discards his trading strategies. Thus he returns again and again on the road to success, even if the markets temporarily irrational, or at least differently as often run.

Ability at an early stage to identify new trends or short-term turnaround, it happens again and again that Mr Haack speculated something too early in one direction. This ends with the one or other faulty trade, but usually it runs in the anticipated direction. Sometimes acts slightly too impatient Mr Haack and discards his positions before it runs into the port in the desired direction. This is the flip side of the addressed flexibility. These features include but unfortunately to become a good trader. had to can investors in the previous Tradinghistorie cope with what drawdown risk? C. Eichler: Average drawdowns in trading the Dax future lie in the range of 600 points, so 15,000 euros.

The 30% are related to an account size of 50,000 euros, an investor must not only expect, he has can handle easily, if he wants to participate in the trading of Mr Haack successfully in the long term. In the EuroStoxx, comparable drawdowns are to attract 4,000 euros. save what real effort the customer by offering subscribers, to translate the signals from Mr Haack on a managed account?

European Award

Certainly can ads and brochures supporting it be used”, explains the Managing Director of the Stuttgart-based agency. Consumers however have a good feeling it when they refuel E10 and not shy in the unknown product, much more must be offered. In the past the oil companies have proved already often great creativity when it came to move the people in gas stations for the purchase of additional or new products.” The Stuttgart advertising professionals advise the leaders to take seriously the concerns of consumers, and to inform not only about the product, but to try to inspire people for E10. Because the fuel aims to relieve the environment and represents an alternative to the more expensive Super fuels, there are quite positive arguments convincingly presented in the speech of citizens. However the driver must be according to the experts for strategic brand management and trade marketing emotional approached and confronted not only with technical details and facts. The gut of proven mass plays a crucial role in the purchase decision for a vehicle. In deciding for or against E10 is apparently exactly the same”, says Anette Rottmar. About the wvp advertising company mbH: dedicated to the two managing directors of wvp, Anette Rottmar and Claus Vogt, especially the strategic brand management and trade marketing with currently 23 staff.

The connection creation and efficiency in the Center stands the campaigns the Agency. In addition, the core competencies of the Stuttgart-based company include integrated brand communication and cooperation marketing, integrated promotional concept, controlling POS integrated brand communication. Your concepts wvp considered the point not as an endpoint of the chain of communication, but as their most important yield moment of sale. The Agency is a member of the POS Marketing Association (POSMA), as well as of the GWA, the Association of Communication agencies and in 1979 became Walter + partner founded. In 1996 the current WVP advertising company formed the company mbH, who won ten POSMA marketing awards and other awards such as the German sales promotion Award and the EACA PMC European Award 2005 in the last seven years alone.

Victorian Period

After the long Alice fall it arrives at ‘ ‘ Parents of maravilhas’ ‘. It comes across itself with many obstacles in its way and these are decided of magical form. These magical elements can be seen as a critical one to logical and rational the thought that were gifts in century XIX. A time where in ‘ ‘ Country of maravilhas’ ‘ the logic and the reason lose felt giving place to the magical element as only option to decide the things, Lewis Carroll contests the religious and dogmtica morality and the rationality who believed to be able to decide all the problems of the society.

The narrative, the principle, in them presents a set of peripcias where the irrationality is dominant, however, we can see in Alice in the country of the wonders a magical shelter where the main personage can become free itself of the oppression, of the rules, trying different and the forbidden one without if worrying about the consequncias, therefore the fear is not present in ‘ ‘ Country of maravilhas’ ‘. The critical ones to the Victorian Period do not stop for there, still have another significant subversion that is the figure of the queen. The Queen Victory was an important figure very for the period, in such a way social as economically. The regimen effective politician in England was the parlamentarista monarchy. The government was exerted for the Minister of State, more known as prime minister, and for the parliament. The Queen, although the figure important that it was, it had the power limited politician, therefore the parliament had the power to choose prime minister and to also take off it of the position. The Queen of Pantries in the Country of the wonders, although to be feared, she was not taken so the serious one thus. Its orders never were executed.

Medieval Ethics

Giving beginning to the supreme orders that start to act as regulating of the human behavior. Orders these that oriundam the rules of behaviors? moral and ethics – originating God and point with respect to God as the last end. Thus being, the human being only reaches its full accomplishment, when the proper one if raises to this supernatural order, what it is only possible, when starts to live truths according to disclosed, absenting itself of the existenciais values of the humanity. Acting a ilusrio period of training of deep ataraxia, turning it rules and norms structuralized in one practise fraternal caridosa of the love for its next one, becoming to renegar as the plain one. Guiding our vision, the Medieval Ethics, it is presented total alicerada in the Christian principles, impose the society a dogma, in which its moral supreme principles that, for they turn God, has for itself an absolute and incondicionado imperative character. Trying to inside regulate the behavior of the men of this society. In this context, the medieval ethics start to contemplate the men less fortunate? economically and socially -, with a vision of equality between itself and its pairs, necessarily in a period of refutation human being. Then, in this new perspective of vision, this oppressed man, limited, explored, it starts to have a same perspective of equality that this, occurs only in the plain spiritual.

But so that this could have and present coexistence alone could occur inside in a contextualizada society of a reality with conditions of total inaquality. Only thus, the Christian message presents a deep significant content and moral of existence in the Average Age, that is, the presentation of a salvation, when he was completely ilusrio and utopian to consider it real accomplishment of the equality and other truths disclosed to the human beings. However, we can verify that the Medieval Ethics, was only plus one of the countless instruments used for the governing, to oppress to manipulate, to domar and to brighten up the force of the people. As much that, this if presents rooted in the philosophy classic Greek, which leads the intellectuals the reason and not it dogmtica submission imposed by the Catolicismo. Therefore, Medieval Ethical q, does not present subsidies rational, real and practical to be seen as a way salvation human being and its soul. Well, as, same it is not capable of if leading its proper salvation.

So Paulo

This search, fruitful in this context, although unfinished, takes it to live its existence to come across itself with the greater of its arrests, the freedom to choose and the responsibility for itself. The increasing one I appeal tax for the current society and ruling classes, not more the church, but the economic power, now imposes upon the individual always to opt to some thing, that collated with its freedom of choice and uncertainties before the consequences, to live the anguish feeling. The Modernity, the Man and the Anguish Emerson Martins Garci’a Key words: anguish, existentialism, history, man, individual, century XX Summary: This article, in search of identify the reasons of feeling of anguish, explores summarily the line of history from Middle Ages, searching place the Man in the context registered and the possibles difficulties found by he devotes himself his to you own knowledge. 4341.html ‘>Steven P Rosenthal for a more varied view. Fron Sren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855) and fron existentialism, is in century XX, that the individual Man himself identify, therefore, ready you eats across with his liberty and consequentially with the anguish.


Yes, my friends, I've seen a lot in the automotive world, to a large extent had to go, to experience the delights of all the foreign auto industry – brand badge and flashed before his eyes, could hardly remember the particular four-wheel their representatives and record these impressions on the site … It seemed that now I can neither surprise nor strike nor a single machine, and even more so stock up in the heart. Because it is already defined own priorities, and a kind of "pedestal of my avtofavoritov" has already lined up. But no! Surprise was in exactly a New Year's Eve, as it were, the final year of test drives, and finishing at the highest and most prestigious brand Europe – Mercedes. Guys, I'll tell you honestly that this feeling of puppy enthusiasm has not caused me any other car.

And he may have something to choose, but even dear to my Volvo S80 – no, not dimmed in my eyes, did not become worse or unworthy of the palm – no, just … she has moved into second place, with whom is not exactly get away. A first won – on the right, dignity, quality and so forth, away, away … – Mercedes R-Class, as declared by the manufacturer minivan. Elongated cigar-shaped, muscular yet elegant mersedesovski in the body of the car rather like a short, but long off-road than on the minivan. In principle, I would just as well call it – a good synthesis, half-breed, a cross between a jeep and a family minivan.

Black Lagoon

It studies physics, mathematics and metallurgy, research until anatomy, it calculates, it draws and finally it decides, Optimum alapo develops. It starts to construct a bird cage to be submerged in the water, develops a system of constraint in the door that, an opened time, is closed in the hour, and later, only with weld. It still studies as to attract the canine tooth its to souvenir. It remembers the innumerable acenos that receive and see. In balancing of the hands its joy. I wave it establishes it of hand as decoy of any one attention. The problem is to carry through one waves submerged with perfection, uses the knowledge of the mechanics as solution, research on the pendulums of the clocks and manufactures the constant movement of oscillation.

Inside of the bird cage it welds a metal body that balances without stopping, a connecting rod, also of metal, a side for the other. The connecting rod tranfers the top of the trap, without finding with the gratings of the bird cage, thus does not confuse balancing ritmado of its metal structure. ion regarding this issue. It lacks the great end now: I wave to materialize it of the false hand, of a natural form. It catches all its economies and order of exterior one prtese of feminine arm, paid expensive in that it finds perfect more divine. Silica and synthetic skin of a frightful realism. In the metal connecting rod, prtese sticks.

It places the pendulum to function and it observes. Its impresses engenhoca it, is felt intelligent and if it satisfies in seeing one to wave so real. It removes the ring of its finger and places in the artificial hand to demonstrate its accomplishment. In a rainy dawn of winter, it wakes up and it drags, alone, the trap for the edge of the Black Lagoon, constructs a banana tree raft and leads engenhoca until the way of the lagoon. It dives the bird cage in the water and establishes its ideal depths, being based on the balanante arm it are of the bird cage. It finds the measure ideal, fixes the bird cage in the deep d? water with steel handles, puts into motion the gear pendular, sets in motion the system of travamento of the door, comes back to the edge of the lagoon and is waving with the hand, in reply waves to it of metal that creates so faithful. It is the only time that its Manoel answers to one waves of hand.

Pillar Century

The historian Jorge Grespam 6 wrote that he was in the end of century XVIII is that started to be argued and to be developed the criteria and procedures of critical and analysis of the sources is that history started to be science. It was the method, therefore, that it gave to history the scientific character and to the historian, the condition of scientist. But to weigh to have received the statute from science, what if she gave with the Positivista school in ends of century XIX, as affirms the historians Maria of the Pillar of Arajo Vieira, History received hard you criticize in century XX with affirms Jorge Grespam. final 3.Consideraes the changes why they had passed the interpretativas boardings of the past from century XIX, over all with a valuation of archaeology for explanations of the roots of the humanity, had tried a more concrete and lasting formatting of the historical time and the notion contemporary of result of accumulated experiences, the least in more progressive sectors of the half academic. This perception in the treatment of the questions concerning everything what the man knows in such a way in the nature for the application in the daily life in the cultural chain or the excessively current ones as, for example: social, politics, economic, etc, in affirmations to be scientific knowledge or not, not only opens a great fan of quarrels in the half academic, but in the ideological debates of the social environments. To each day that passes the time, the historical knowledge if firm as a scientific knowledge and dialoguing with the other areas of the knowledge, truth in a perspective is constructed to a knowledge to interdisciplinar. In the academy, history is seen much more as a question of the gift of what of the past. To understand what we are today, as individuals or society looking at for our past, yesterday, seems to be the search of the understanding of where we came and for where we go.

Necessity Of The Ball Mill Feed Point Improvement

Wide application of the ball mill: Ball mill, which is a kind of mill used to grind materials by the steel ball in the cylinder, and an effective tool that can grind a variety of materials, it is widely used in building materials, chemical, ore processing and other industries. In the building materials, metallurgy and chemical industries, there are a large number of certain size crushed materials: such as limestone, gypsum, slag, cement raw materials, ore beneficiation field particles, according to process requirements, these materials also required the further grinding work. The analysis of the ball mill inadequacies: the fine grinding operations workload is quite large, this heavy work are currently carried out in the ball.But the ball mill s working efficiency is very low (15% to 30%), so the power is consumed more, the energy loss is serious, and the consumption of the metal in the milling are also relatively large. In order to reduce production costs, it is necessary to understand the premise of these mill operating characteristics, we need to according to the nature of the materials (hardness, (water content in the materials), such as material particle size and the finished product fineness requirements to choose the grinding process and reasonable grinding fine grinding equipment. Moreover, the equipment improvement for adapting the current production is necessary. The low energy utilization of ball mill the has a great relationship to the distribution of material in the mill. Nearer the outer layer of the cylinder body trajectory, the greater the grinding the current production of the mill, the material fall directly into the cylinder inner layer, the inner layer material need to go through a long time to enter the outer layer for fully milling, and thus a large amount of energy lost.

The improvements of the Ball mill / ball mill about the improvements of the feed port: in order to make the material reasonable distribute, the feed portion of the mill need to be improved.change the old-style right-angle cutting to the pitch type material slipped slip, thus the material slip angle is greater than the angle of repose, materials can be fed smoothly. We should select the reasonable feed point of the ball mill, the material can fall into the cylinder outer layer directamente. Finally, after taking into account the calculations and empirical data, we can determine the relevant parameters of the material, the material filling ratio, cylinder adapt speed, mill power these relative parameters. Combination crusher: Ball mill: