Monthly Archives: July 2016

The Education

Some fields of study privilege a retraction to the history education, mainly in the half academics, with new studies, research, discues and questionings raised from a reformularization of the history education; exactly thus the change process is restricted and transformation of the reality dispatches by post similar of the history education. She is necessary to develop half methods and for which they obtain to reach the common objective in if rethink the history education, relating pupils and professors in the process of construction of a new conception of history, richer, more interesting and dynamic that transforms the act of education and learning in that the pupils not only need to improve its knowledge as well as to construct its historical root inside of the society; to create perspectives and to search constantly perfectioning in the quality of the same, as well as the change of attitude of in such a way university professors as of basic and average education in ways the new pedagogical actions that allow the opening of new ways for the history education. 3 the INCORPORATION OF the NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN the HISTRIAA EDUCATION society suffers to each time plus an intense rhythm from transformations and changes in the social and pertaining to school scope; currently the people live under the impact of the technological revolution, that characterizes good part of the commercial relations, personal and educational. ‘ ‘ The technology is an element of social control, domination and being able, not only between countries? central offices and peripherals? as in the interior of the proper schools. It is formed by social conditions, collective forces, cultural traditions and options polticas’ ‘ (LITWIN, 1997, p.30). The technological renewals had been introduced in the educational processes in accompaniment to the constants modifications of the society, intensifying education methods and revigorating the status of the education, the conceptions on new forms to teach had been argued, thought and reformulated leaving with the intention to add methods differentiated in the education of the pertaining to school management..

Middle East

As usual, the trouble with the prophets in their homeland. Wells Fargo Bank is full of insight into the issues. Perhaps it would be reasonable to think about someone else, but to thrive? No, it does not appeal to rampant immigration, it is a reminder that in the modern world the opportunity to own property abroad has become not a luxury but a means available to protect savings from depreciation as well as increase them. Europe is also bogged down by economic, financial and mortgage crisis, so far-sighted people look to the East that is growing and actively growing, leaving far behind the Western world. Dubai – the emirate's eponymous capital and largest city of the uae, trade, financial and tourist center in the Middle East. The pace of development it is compared to Shanghai, though, unlike the latter, the population of Dubai for 2006 data was just under 1.5 million people. However, today, Dubai – the third most important re-export center in the world (after Hong Kong and Singapore). Ever-growing volumes of trade with Europe, Russia, Asia and Africa, a prime location in the oil-rich Persian Gulf region and the huge popularity tourists (in 2007 alone. he was visited by 6,440,000 people) make Dubai one of the most dynamically developing cities in the world today.

It is easy to understand why more people are choosing Dubai as a place of work and leisure as well as investing in real estate and new construction projects of the Northern Emirates. Results of the study Wealth Ranking Survey, conducted by the International League of buyers abroad (NatWest International), suggests that immigrants earn in Dubai on average 40% more than their fellow citizens, working at home. Many major financial institutions are opening their offices in Dubai and Northern Emirates, followed their example and leading corporations such as Microsoft, Siemens, Haliburton, and many others. According to forecasts, by 2010 the population of Dubai will increase to 2.5 million people, mostly thanks to the specialists from different areas of emigrating to the United Arab Emirates. Until 2025 the city planned to build another 3 thousand skyscrapers for residential and office space. In short, Dubai is one of the most attractive places on the planet. And not the last factor increasing its investment value, is that for at least the nearest decades, the demand for first-class residential property here will exceed supply.

So, let's say you decided to invest in the rapidly growing market of the uae. However, as a simple Russian citizen is not familiar with the language, laws and orders of a foreign country, you can buy real estate in the uae? The First Group – the world-famous British development company based in Dubai and adhered to the developing real estate markets will help join the prospects for an impressive rental returns and capital gains. It is worth thinking about those funds that have investors who have invested money in a well-known complexes of Dubai Marina, Palms and Jumeirah Beach Residence is just a couple of years ago. And worth noting that for the purchase of premium apartments in Dubai, you will need far less money than to buy a tiny kopeck piece somewhere in . The company also The First Group as one of the main arguments for investing in real estate uae considers it necessary to bring the fact that the fee for registration of property transactions in the uae is low, and taxes on capital gains and rental income completely absent!

Education History: Its Languages

This article is resulted of the research developed for conclusion of the course of Licenciatura in History, presented the teacher Rilma Suely de Souza Melo, of the State University Valley of the Acara. Connect with other leaders such as Wells Fargo Bank here. The present work focuses the diverse languages used in classroom, facilitating the relation teach-learning in disciplines of history, objectifying to develop in the characteristic pupils basic such as: sense? critic, perception and curiosity in the boarded contents, thus contributing, for a bigger approach between practical theory and. In view of the current society that if presents influenced for the media, the children and adolescents since early have contact with the television and Internet, then, then he came to the fidget to deepen the study on the use of the diverse languages of the education of history in classroom, being given emphasis to the film, charges and the music, that the professor will be able to develop easily in classroom to dinamizar practical the pedagogical one of the daily one. The methodology applied in this work it was the study of bibliographical research in order to tell of form sucinta the Theory of History and the Languages, through the conceptions: Positivistas, Marxist, New and Cultural History and the Use of the diverse Languages in classroom. 1. THEORY OF HISTORY AND LANGUAGES 1.1. The positivista conception the positivista theory is born in century XIX, with the AUGUST Frenchman COMTE, starter of this chain that states the dither of modern science, part of the estimated one of that the humanity passes for diverse periods of training until reaching the third positive state, that if characterizes for the maturity of the human spirit. The Positivismo word possesss distinct meanings, englobando perspective philosophical and scientific in such a way of century XIX how much others of century XX. Since its beginning, the direction of the word moved radically, incorporating different directions, many of opposing or contradictory them between itself.