The proportionate conditions for the age of the Empire, as well as the emergency of the multitude as agent politician capable to not only produce corporeal property, but also knowledge, information, ideas and affection that allow the expansion of the common one and strengthen the trend after-modern that it sends to an organization of the resistance in net, allows in to glimpse them the possibility of a future where it invigorates a global democracy. Added collective intelligence to the affection becomes viable the project of the multitude, conceived for Hardt and Negri as a project of the love. The new movements that not only demand the global democracy value the singularity of each one as organizador basic they claim as it as a process of autotransformao, hibridizao and miscegenation. The multiplicity of the multitude is not only one question of being different, but also of devir different. Devir different of what you are! These singularidades act in common, therefore, form a new race, that is, a subjectivity politically co-ordinated that the multitude produces.
The primordial decision taking for the multitude is in the reality the decision to create a new race, or, better a new humanity. When the love is conceived politically, therefore, this creation of a new humanity is the supreme act of love. (HARDT; NEGRI, 2005, p.444) the desire of a world where the equality and the freedom prevail, aspects norteadores of a global democracy that the construction of a life favors in common and that today it seems possible of being materialize, appears as the base what Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri they call ‘ ‘ project of multido’ ‘. it is important to always have in mind that one another world is possible, a better and more democratic world, and to promote our desire of this world. The multitude is a symbol of this desire.