I posed a question: Have you found that 100% total relationship with another person, and you got to keep it exactly the same over time? Probably your answer is NO, otherwise probably would not be reading this article. Well, my experience led me to understand that this relationship does not exist, unless after we find within us ourselves, to ourselves. And when you have a full relationship with yourself: First: We're not desperate, I mean 'from necessity', that relationship with another person. If there is a relationship, there is only the desire to share, and the purpose of using it to reach God. If there's, nothing happens, your happiness and joy remain intact. Second: When you live inside you that all, or whether that is your internal universe, like a reflection, as the natural consequence, relationships with others are exactly the same, namely: TOTAL … the external world is nothing but the mirror where you see reflected internal condition, ie, the content of your own mind …
quantum physics is so much talk nowadays. No need of any relationship "personal" special "to be happy: everything you need to learn to relate good about yourself, from there, the rest will come in addition. This world is nothing but a hoax, a sham, a pathetic imitation of the world actual reality of our God or our true identity: we are spirit. What we seek in this world is to achieve this state of ecstasy and joy of its own permanent the Spirit, and we intend to look outside of us, either through relationships, money, possessions …