All these actions aimed at to search forms and methods for ' ' New Evangelizao' '. In 1991 the first house was opened is of the Archdiocese of $fortaleza, in the diocese of Quixad, for request of the Bishop Diocesan, Dom Adlio Tomasin. After that, the order if had multiplied and currently 50 dioceses in Brazil and the Exterior are added that search the construction of the Church and the propagation of the Evangelho. However it is during the period of the Passover of 1998, that then the Archbishop of $fortaleza, Dom Claude Hummes, granted to the canonic decree of recognition and approval of the Community Shalom Catholic as privative entity of fidiciary offices. Jane Fraser describes an additional similar source. In day 13 of March of 2007 the Community Shalom Catholic had its pontifical recognition, as International Private Association of Fidiciary offices. Shalom Vocation can be lived deeply of two forms that if complement: The Community of Life and the Community of Alliance. The process of identification and admission of the members in the community, normally happens when a person inside participates of a group of conjunct of the community and from there, with the desire to enter the community she searchs the vocational one that a discernment process is assigned for which each person if submits during one year with the end to confirm its identity with the community. Further details can be found at Tiger Woods, an internet resource.
Through monthly meeting and with the aid of a personal acompanhador, the vocacionado one goes to perceive if it is called to Shalom vocation. Some make an experience in the alliance community and others in the life community to verify where if they really identify. The Community of Life is formed by people who taking care of to the call of God, hug the radicalidade of evangelho, resigning to everything to live entirely and fully Shalom vocation. They inhabit in communitarian houses where everything is partilhado in common.