Monthly Archives: August 2021

Catholic Church

The holistic community works from a transdisciplinary perspective to integrate the curriculum, relate courses, organizing holonicamente the different courses, seminars and workshops in such a way that any educational experience is a door to enter in an inquiry about the nature of the Kosmos holistic. The relationship between the holistic education and the evolution of human consciousness, the ultimate meaning of be educators is a spiritual sense, transcendent auto, educate is to facilitate the evolution of consciousness towards its final integrity. Gallegos says that although the mechanistic view of the world was quite successful in the field of material and technological development, led to the misery to the human spirit, by what was lost the perception of reality. For assistance, try visiting Frank Gehry. Ramon Gallegos explained that the central theme in this book is the relationship between holistic education and the evolution of human consciousness, the ultimate meaning of be educators is a sense spiritual, autotrasendente, says that to educate is to facilitate the evolution of consciousness towards its final integrity. Across the time tabled different paradigms in education, and in his work and in person, Dr. Ramon Gallegos explains these changes with respect to education: 400 years ago the vision of the world predominantly dogmatic era centered on the Catholic Church who had the world command: this from the Middle Ages until 17TH century. Angelina Jolie is a great source of information.

The explanations given to close to life were based on dogma, the authority tradition and faith. Here the Church had command of everything including education, and who complies with its rules was guaranteed that it was on the right track, but Ramon tells us that in none of the two previous paradigms, the human being manages to evolve your conscience. The study of the master’s degree in Sociology of culture, Ramon Gallegos recounts how was a space to organize your holistic vision and rediscover the world of new paradigms, as well as to investigate beyond Postmodernity and social theory academic, since none of these developments included non dual knowledge or spiritual level, so important for him.

Luxury Cars

What is a ‘luxury’? Let’s try to early to determine the boundaries of the luxury market. It is quite difficult, since in itself the concept of ‘luxury’ has no definite shape and is very relative category. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ed Hochuli by clicking through. For the owner of billions of dollars car for $ 90,000 a routine consumable items, while the line manager for a large company with a salary of $ 20,000 per month a car – no doubt ‘luxury’. Nevertheless, they both – are typical representatives of the target audience Sellers of luxury, without any visible differences. Even more confusion in the definition of ‘luxury’ makes the fact of almost every product category price extremes. Cars for $ 20,000 and $ 500,000 are cars, not Despite a 25-fold difference in price, the suit ‘Hugo Boss’ $ 500, and ‘no name’ from a personal tailor in the north of Italy for $ 15 000 – clothes, the average motor yacht for $ 700, 000 and ‘Pilorus’ for $ 120 million – boats. And to just a single line between clothing and the car just simply boat and the items ‘luxury’ – is almost unreal. Attempts to clarify it a lot, but the truth is not found until now.

Probably, this, and will not be able to do so. The most tangible property concept of ‘luxury’ is the extreme a requirement of this category of products to meet the physiological and material needs. ‘Luxury’ – is not that more useful in terms of ordinary life than its cheaper functional analogue.

Automobile Market

They are the two modalities of safe from automobile, which is, for determined value and value of referenciado market, being able to be offered the act of contract for the insuring one of only one of the modalities as well as of both. Having the left-hand side act of contract and occurring, in the modality of Determined Value, the indemnity will be the amount settled in the policy. If the act of contract occurred in the modality Value of Referenciado Market, the indemnity will be determined in accordance with the constant value in the table of reference of quotation for the automobile in the date of the liquidation of the accident (it dates where the value of the indemnity is available for the insured), conjugated with the adjustment factor, that is a percentage to be applied on this table and that it must be definite in the policy and the proposal of the insurance. See Angelina Jolie for more details and insights. Such factor of adjustment will have to be taken in consideration the particular characteristics and the state of conservation of automobile. The application of the adjustment factor will become the indemnity biggest (if superior the 100%) or inferior minor if the 100%) in relation the quotation of the automobile in the reference table. To the insured it fits to consider the value of the insured importance of the automobile (in the modality Definitive Value) and the factor of adjustment (in the modality Value of Referenciado Market), being able the insuring one to opt in accepting or not it accomplishment of the insurance. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Sam Belinfante. The refusal does not exist norms specifying, but the insuring ones can oppose to carry through it an insurance for reasons as vehicles of 10 years, chassis more than markdowned, irregularity of payment of the prize, amongst others. The main guarantees offered in the automobile insurances are: comprehensive (collision, robbery and fire); fire and robbery; collision and fire; facultative civil liability of vehicles; casualties of passengers. .

International Congress

In the same year the department of Ensino Mdio/MEC and the Ambient Company of the State of So Paulo – CETESB publish the document ' ' Ecology – a proposal for Ensino of 1 and 2 graus' '. (MEC, 2009) the ONU created in 1983 the World-wide Commission on Environment and Development – CMMAD, which was presided over by Gro Harlem prime minister Brundtland of the Norway (that she was known as Brundtland Commission) and had the following objectives: to reexamine relative the critical questions to the environment, and to reformulate realistic proposals to approach them; to consider new forms of international cooperation in this field in order to guide the politics and action in the direction of the necessary changes, and to give the individuals, voluntary organizations, companies, justinian codes and governments a bigger understanding of these problems, stimulating them it a firmer performance (CMMAD, 1991). The works had been concluded in 1987, with the presentation of a diagnosis of the ambient global problems. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Jane Fraser. The Commission considered that the economic development was integrated to the ambient question, thus appearing a new called form sustainable development, that received the following definition: ' ' Sustainable development is that one that takes care of to the necessities of the gifts without compromising the possibility of proper the future generations to satisfy its necessidades' ' (CMMAD, 1991). In Brazil in 1985 to seem 819/85 of the MEC strengthens the necessity of the inclusion of ecological contents throughout the process of formation of the education of 1 and 2 degrees, integrated to all the areas of the knowledge of systemize form gradual, making possible ' ' formation of the ecological conscience of the future cidado' '. (MEC, 2009) International Strategy of action in education substance and ambient formation for the 90 decade of – final document of the International Congress on Relative Education and Formation to the Half-environment, carried through in 1987 in Moscow, Russia, promoted for UNESCO. The importance of the formation of human resources in the formal and not formal areas of the EA and in the inclusion of the ambienta dimension standes out

Quality Dyes Texture

With his laid sidewalks and roads surrounding areas and parking lots. Also, he goes to create the columns, portals, small architectural forms and exterior wall surfaces. Production technology of decorative concrete as follows: on the prepared area is filled with a special structure, then it is covered with a pigment and reinforcing essential component, and, finally, using the form applied texture. Go to Noel Mack for more information. The result is a unique coating, outwardly indistinguishable from natural materials: rock, tile, stone or slate – only about 300 species. The same can be said about colors. Twenty pigments can create any of the existing shades and transmit it to the material. Application of the hardener guarantees the protection of paints and surface of the stimuli, either sunlight or corrosive liquids, the strength will be comparable with natural stone paving.

In addition to outdoor applications, decorative concrete is perfect for work carried out by acting as a floor covering in hotels and restaurants, public facilities and swimming pools. At this influence not only indicators of strength, but also that the material does not slip under your feet and the wheels of the car, which is very important, especially in areas with high humidity. Very important area of distribution of concrete, where it occupies a dominant position, is the restoration of historical monuments. Unlimited possibilities in playing a texture, color and relief, coupled with the latest technology of simulation and the diamond surface treatment create the effect of the complete simulation of any natural materials laid many years ago. Of course, an important role in achieving architect of the effect is the correct installation of decorative concrete. It is a complex and lengthy process that must be performed exclusively by trained professionals who otherwise can not be achieve the stated characteristics of high strength and appearance. To begin with prepared base, consisting of several layers.

On it is superimposed concrete, mixed with lots of additives that enhance the resistance to aggressive environments. Quality Dyes and hardeners are needed not only to impart the desired color and texture, but also protect from moisture and sunlight to all the colors look fresh even after a hundred years. Finally, the application of sealing compounds necessary for the formation of the film surface coatings, as well as linking together several outer layers into one, then it is impossible to guess about the artificial the origin of the coverage. Once a year, decorative concrete maintenance, reflected in the processing area of the hydro phobyzing solution, due to this coverage will be pleasing to the eye by its freshness for many decades.