Brief for the making of the video

BRIEF FOR CARRYING OUT THE VIDEO OF INDUCTION TO CIDEC-CTQ: I. Customer name. CIDEC – Queretaro Technical Center (CTQ) II. Name of project / product / service Induction Queretaro CIDEC-Technical Center III. Broadcast Media: (External / Internal) Internal IV. Desired recording format (digital, film, HD) Digital / V. Product life 8 min. VI. Intended audience (target market: gender, geographic area, age, socioeconomic status, educational level) 1. People new entry with the following characteristics: Most male but without neglecting the female. Age ranges average 23 – 36 years-Most have 28 years. Most graduates of the career (engineering) 85 of the population with bachelor level (engineers), many from surrounding cities (Mexico City, Michoacan, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes, etc.).. 10.4 postgraduate (masters), 1.6 trade or technical. Average socioeconomic status: middle and upper. (B, B ) Edo Status: Single (mostly). VII. Aim Welcome the new employee briefly presenting all that is the CTQ. VIII. Communication objective build trust, generate a specific learning, inform, persuade, educate, entertain) Induce employees the policies followed in the CTQ safety, hygiene, environmental awareness, customer engagement and commitment to enterprise. Seeking to persuade the employee to remember and follow the rules. IX. Dynamic communication tone, young man. The subject is serious, yet so important it should be in everyday language, dynamic, very clearly explained ideas (as well as apples) while standing doubts policies is compelling. Some terms with institutional tone. X. Preferences phrase: Male XI. Suggested Musicalization Type The company’s technology is at the forefront, is a company with much international contact, suggest various mixes of electronic music that is aggressive while at certain times (the environment) to play with more acoustic music. XIII.Other comments or suggestions for the production A narrated production, with images of the building, facilities, its people, everyday activities, any of its events, seeking to immerse the new partner in the corporate culture, getting invited to follow the company’s shirt and letting him know that this an excellent choice for labor.

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