If we disclose it unable to reach an agreement and cohabitation with the Arabs, then we have not learned anything strictly for our two thousand years of suffering and deserve all that happen. “Albert Einstein, letter to Weismann, 1929. Do you remember when the last two thousand years Jews Palestinians besieged Massada in our ancestors, fought the legions of the Roman Empire and mass suicide in order not to zohar surrender “to Remember the popular qabalah rebellion and our national Maccabees against the Roman invasion, when killed tens of thousands of Jews and resistance just Jews in Palestine and we are spreading the world over again ‘ Greetings. I would like someone to tell me what is the approach taken to incorporate into this category to some guy who had Jewish ancestry only, because of older renounced their religion and were atheists for the rest of chabad your life. In this case are the very same Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Eric Wolf, among which I could detect. In other words: Is it sufficient that a person has been Jewish for a religious while for catalogs such as’ Yavidaxiu’u. nuuyoo, 06:01 16 October 2007 (CEST)
Do not need reason. kabbalistic If you do not put them by religion, and Carl Marx should not be very religious, are something else. We must be careful, because political rabbi correctness is a huge filfa and so you can fall hebrew for something that collejas the contrary. In addition there are likely spatially sensitivities. Perhaps with reason, do not judaica judge.
In any case prefer that there was no category synagogue for ethnicity. Category: Jews, Category: Black spiritual Category: Arios Category: etc. If I permitis the pun, is low god class. Remember that “without distinction of race, creed, sexual condition …” Are we to assume that all westerners from the Middle Ages were Christians’ Should we put them in Category: Christians’ And those who were not ‘Is Status: Apostates / excommunicated, Category: Pagans (some neo-pagan might offend them who put up with) … ‘Why Are not Rating: merkavah Hikers Warren Sanchez’ Who elects (discrimination) and which if not ‘
Now seriously, my humble opinion: are things that judaism lend themselves to misinterpretation and should be beating about the eye. To take affirmative action must be taken to heart surgeon and a few enemies. Nor Veria appropriate categories for sexual condition (although there are those who strive to acknowledged homosexual to half the historical range) are things that should not lead opinion, nor answer, nor any relevance because they are personal and do not change the rights and wrongs islamic of a person.
Should not be given prominence to what it does not (Category: Chat). Amazing Rabbi Who is the first Kabalistic Women Rabbi Exceptions, such as a home Jew who persecuted for his ethnicity, or a homosexual to do something important for the release of their own, be an ethnicity, religion, sex, etc is not relevant. Darle relevance leads to discrimination, and we can not control that way (positive or negative) applied by the reader. It is a logical description (tall, dark eyes, with a strong English accent, etc.). But do not .– Manimor category. ((Bible Proverbs 28:18 prov.)). 08:38 16 October 2007 (CEST)
I think the same thing about the problem and the limited usefulness of these categories. But beware, suggesting that its deletion will be heard the cries of anti-Semitic. Jarka (talk) 12:02 16 October 2007 (CEST)
Jews should be referred to see if the religion, people, or both. Put in an article that I had Jewish ancestry “is torah not israeli an excuse to put in that category, reference should be made before anything else. The user has already created a tree of categories. – Emijrp (talk) 12:40 16 October 2007 (CEST)
In my humble opinion, if used in referring to Jews as a people should work like the French, for example. It should be remembered that many people saw their lives influenced by their Jewish ancestry, as Einstein and Bohr, for instance. With regard to Marx, was forced to renounce the Jewish religion in order to practice as a lawyer, so obviously it was something transcendent in their lives. Categorize that as a Jew bible or a more specific subcategoria is another matter. Mercedes sefirot (messages) 13:48 16 October 2007 (CEST)
Of course, being of relevance to what the article should appear. Even if it is not particularly relevant but is a figure more. I refer to categorize, to classify the people in general and certain aspects. Category: Jews tree of life converted to Catholicism, Category: Jewish Anarchists, ‘I find that it is clear that speech. Jarka is right, if noils yelled Antisemitic ! On the contrary, by leaving them yelled Antisemitic muslim ! Especially in a culture where there were cleaning blood and loaded with a black legend. At that point I was terrified to see lists of Jews Jews and red ‘Return the “collusion …”! (not a cologne jews ad, is a language that is worse when someone starts menearlo).
Or put all the categories of ethnicity ( Racist! And really well), or all the persecuted minorities, including the red hair, and I mean it-(anada sexist! homophobic! Etc.). or do not put any of that style. Describe the objective characteristics, compared to never question, naturally, is to accept, integrate. Classify people according to certain criteria is to discriminate.
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