Hunting Mink

Hunt mink traps and samolovami, as well as with a gun. Thus, the traps. Hunt mink traps is not difficult. Mink are not timid, curious and not afraid to smell a trap. In consequence of that camouflage the trap is not as important. Using the knowledge of biology of mink, set traps on 20-30 meters from shore is not necessary. Just watching the trails, which are clearly visible on the sand beside the river or stream, you can easily identify with sufficient The following settlement of mink.

Only need to remember that 'fat' should fit into the burrows of 100 meters from the hole. Mink trapping fishing contributes autumn resettlement of young animals, which in search of new places of residence moves long distances along the coastline. The size of such mink pelts is not great, but their number may reach several tens. Begin to catch a mink on October 1. Snow at this time is not yet traps and put in the ground the possible passage of mink mink powerful beast and it must be considered when setting the trap on the bank uses to hunt mink traps number 2 and number 3 with steel wire.

Trap can be permanently tied to a bush or tree, or potasku, a large, heavy piece of wood, long, strong stick. The length of the rope should be minimal, while the chances of escape from the trap for mink mink decrease in case of danger, hiding in the water, so place the trap near the water preferable, mink caught in a trap, drown. Most often, when hunting with traps, use bait, which increases the chances of catching the mink. To bait it is desirable to use only fresh fish or meat foul bait may scare hole, as it prefers only fresh mink curious and looked in every hole, this feature of the behavior of burrows used during the installation of traps. Done a long, three feet, wooden box, the height of the box should not interfere with triggering arcs trap. Bait is placed inside and at the entrances to trap. When the temperature drops below zero, the traps can freeze, they occur most frequently at differences temperatures. Desirable to set a trap so as to prevent freezing of the arcs. Specifically for hunting mink, dogs do not use, production of mink from the dogs is most often accidental.

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