Write down as many ideas and sketches at random as you can think of, even in the supermarket tickets. (Source: patrick dwyer boston private). Nothing has to make sense at first, or have a real value – but the important thing is not to overlook any of these emerging ideas. Give yourself a relaxing weekend’s amazing what a weekend recreational activities or sports can do for our state of concentration and creativity, recharging our energy levels and improve our readiness vital soul into the new project, remember that with further meetings are , difficult people, deadlines, etc.. So the best thing is that we find with the batteries recharged for our profession it is to play better.
Worry about learning more about your new customers Read a little of its history, production processes or services, find out roughly its administrative structure, products star knows who are its direct and indirect competition, visit their web sites in order to soak up general information of the company and its environment, which surely will be very useful to have a better strategic approach to planning meetings were held. Secure your initial fee must avoid showing timid regarding collection management, as essential parts of our work. It is therefore important that the client knows that our program of work starts the day you receive the original check (days, days shorter), since many companies have a nasty habit of making payments administration too late. To cover our health we must specify it in our service offering, with an explanatory text that says something like “the project will be developed in 20 working days from the date of payment” that will protect us from any misunderstandings that might arise later.
Talk with colleagues is very helpful to exchange views with our colleagues and professional friends on functional and strategic points that could be implemented within the new project because we could obtain valuable information about their experiences working on similar projects that we can use to our advantage in our approach and planning.