Numbers of business in social Networks, the key is in the values 23-11-2010 by Carolina Velasco. It is well certain that the new productive model the one that today feels the basic premises of the success the one that obtains through the exhibition and glorification of the inherent virtues to the human being the creation of effective bows, maintained and effective that allows to identify the criteria search that determine the campaign CATHEDRAL, to design on the basis of the satisfaction of the needs of the users, the strategy of marketing online to follow to obtain the consolidation of the campaign of branding and the constant attainment of objectives through the loyalty. These effective techniques have consolidated as an alternative way through what to obtain not only the increase of the numbers of businesses, but – and mainly to save the constant obstacles that the global crisis of the 21st century always puts in the footpath of the recovery of permanent form and showing the deep deterioration of exhausted and expired models. The last data analyzed by the National Institute of Statistic in Spain, they have informed that during the month of October more than 600 SMEs has broken product of the economic crisis and, this data that analyzed of isolated form already contributes a great volume of information on the state of the economies, is not unique the devastating one. These 600 SMEs that have had to close their doors have consolidated an increase of 97% of loss of enterprise weave comparativily with the bankruptcies registered in the same month of exercise 2008. The numbers around the increase of marks that decide more concretely on Internet and, by the social networks for the implantation of a sustained business online through electronic commerce, nevertheless inform into expansion and constant growth. The question is why? How it is possible that daily, the companies close their doors before a situation in which the indebtedness acquired in the years of bonanza cannot be satisfied, due to a pronounced fall of the consumption and an incapacity to finance to maintain production and with her the business and, nevertheless, daily we are witnesses of the expansion of multitude of marks that obtain through inherent commitment to the efficient work and the reputation, to consolidate not only its business, but and every time of more frequent form, new opportunities and edges by which to obtain a maintained expansion and an efficient attainment of the pre-selected targets.
In Novaigrup, Agency of Marketing Online, we think that the answer seems to concentrate in variables that, although during century XIX already they were including like necessary to measure the state of the economies, still today remain besides the numbers that the different organisms analyze in order to establish the state of the societies; we speak of the variables related to the values of the human being; confidence, reputation, honesty, fidelity, commitment. We are unique witnesses of a change of cycle and indeed it is this asseveration those that more hill to determine the proportions. We daily journey by a productive model that are 100% dynamic one and money changer a model productive that allows to the expansion and the growth through strengthening the bonds, new opportunities that follow one another product of associations on the basis of needs, tastes and preferences that give like result new and constant opportunities of businesses, without more restrictions and limits than the degree of reached commitment and reputation. Source: Note of Press sent by Novaigrup.