Competition between products is currently one of the problems that makes us break us head. Then, else we can do to make market opt for us as the best option? Unquestionably, the picture says a thousand words and this may be one of our favorite tools. The process of labelling of a product can do see as the most attractive or, in the worst cases, the less interesting. Through the use of colors and typography of a certain type, the public can be impacted by the design of the label of your product and decide to consume it. It is impressive, but emotions and feelings can be impacted by them.
Not it can safely ignore relate typeface with the message we want to convey, since the font used gives some kind of introduction to the text. In addition, is an important point to make a good selection of information on labels. I.e., requirement put the data of your product (warnings, composition, expiration, etc.), as well as a shocking phrase with the What explain what is the advantage of consuming this product and why should be this and not another. However, too much information would not express completely to the really important content. Because of such importance, labellers industries have been innovating different types of labels according to the type of packaging of the product.