Royal Crown

It was attended by the beautiful and laborious accla goings of many temples; but he preferred solitude and admire the large apus that term from Samana where was the apartment of the panaka cullie nation. From there walked to the ayllus of the LLehuada, or Orocullay, or if I was not going to Cochamarca where his aunt and uncle, who were the amautas, and studying how to have new corn or potato seeds that will improve its production, so none of the ayllus are suffering from shortages of any of the products that made up the power of the runes. In one of those trips he met Oruna carve. He saw it coming by the way of Mollebamba in the direction towards the Llehuada, seemed funny to see a very tall man loading a great fit and running with such a great weight. He was concerned about the great bulk that wore this Rune, thinking it was a punishment for some sin committed against our Nations laws. He stood with his ayito and his aclla secundaban you to wait for him and ask him about his situation, since it was unaware of its origin. The ayito put in the stone a blanket of cotton wool to feel the small Tupac, not the hardness of stone, while the aclla served him in a quero chicha de Mani, who both liked the small child. Took your drink preferred and when you pass the merchant Oruna, he called.

This spooked by seeing the rich clothes of the infante who was directing the word. By apparels, it could not be that of one of the most important rulers Panakas; so this was stopped and pusose squat to greet such high character. He asked, directing with the gacha head, because it inquiria to a simple Rune. Click Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX for additional related pages. Tupac, said you it didn’t fear anything and what be lifted, that for him there was no high or low in responsibilities that the apus have created the runes and rulers in equal responsibilities and duties. Oruna replied with gratitude and not understanding the behaviour of the young son of one of the greatest rulers, but he felt much sympathy for him and to see his red face, such as the color of the Sun at dawn, saw the Majesty of so young heir of the Tupac. They continued talking news that brought her travels through the ayllus Oruna and all the Nations of the known world.

The young man listened engrossed wonders that had him and when did not understand some of them, you asked to be able to ask and understand events. Continue due to deficiencies and poverty this town, where having a computer living makes you billionaire. I have to teach my indigenous brothers how to manipulate a machine and is not of current technology, I appreciate your understanding to my readers. Because there is no internet, the people most behind in technology of the Peru, the phone is for many decades and the cell enters have in front a telephone antenna. Sunday, 25 April 2010 Tupac Isaac II QUEPE thanks: cargo that is transported in a blanket by travellers or also said is loading of travel.

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