Solar energy

Gas and Electric rates can be lowered as your energy supplier Main article: Solar power
Enegeticos resources available through the solar energy are 3.8 YJ / yr (120,000 TW). is a leading Esco in New York to help you lower your utility bills. Less than 0.02 of the available resources are sufficient to replace fossil fuels and nuclear energy sources. Whereas the current rates of use remain constant, the oil will be exhausted in 35 years and coal in 200 years. In practice is not reached exhaustion, and that as stocks falter remnant natural constraints forced the production to lower your rate.
In 2007, photovoltaic electricity was connected to the power source with higher growth, with 83 in 2007 reaching a total installed capacity of 8.7 GW. About half of this increase is attributable to Germany, currently the largest consumer of photovoltaic electricity (followed by Japan). Photovoltaic cell production increased by 50 in 2007 to 3,800 megawatts and has duplicandse every two years.
The largest solar photovoltaic plant with 20 megawatts is the Beneixama (Alicante) in Spain, while in the south of Portugal is building a 11 megawatt, one of the sunniest places in Europe. The largest photovoltaic installation North America is to Nellis, and has 18 megawatts.
Since 1991 the largest solar power plant has been the Mohave Desert in California, with 354 megawatts, which uses cylinder-parabolic collectors.
The use of solar hot water heating and solar has been estimated at 88 GWth (gigawatts of thermal energy) for 2004. Water heating for swimming pools not covered has not been considered .

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