Strategical Plan

The Management of Portflio consists of a process with tasks related to the management of the Portflio de Servios of YOU, being this formed by all services in development, operation and discontinued. Different of the catalogue of Services, the Portflio must contain all the services of the Organization of YOU, informing at great length given of operation, impact and criticidade of each one of these for the business. Andrea Mallard can aid you in your search for knowledge. Through the Management of the Portflio, investments in services are managed in accordance with the necessities of the business, aiming at the real attainment of value through these same, maximizing the return on the investment and supporting in the decision taking, for the allocation of resources and abilities of YOU. With this process activities related to the definition, analysis, approval and formalizao of services, they will be lined up with the Strategical Plan of YOU. The Management of the Demand in turn, also has great impact in the strategy of the management of services of YOU, this process has as objective to manage and to manage the resources and abilities of YOU, preventing in such a way wastefulness. Its main goal is to interpret and to influence the demand of the customer for services, acting in two sources, being these, strategical and tactical. In the strategical part, the Management of the Demand searchs to understand as the business demand for the services, through Standards of Activities of Business and Profiles of User. These two tools are of great importance, therefore they act tracing and mapeando a profile of services to be supplied to each area of users in an organization, segmenting in such a way, the provision of services in accordance with its profiles of demand. Through this, tactical they can be adopted, such as you influence, stimulating of certain form, the use of these same services. It must always be remembered, that the service cannot be storaged, that is, at the same time that it is supplied, he is being consumed.

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