Everything depends on the type of business that you have, its turn, the number of employees, if you constantly this sending impressions to its clients of its presentations. Each the most recognized mark of copier of is designed for x number of users. Black and white color or. If the use is internal and merely informative, contracts etc. To black and white will be sufficient, but pamphlets are required of diagrams or presentations the best thing would be a copier to color. At the moment copiers exist that as much have the same cost by copy of impressions to black and white as of color.
Also there are equipment where you or the personnel who assigns has total control of equipment can form from the Control Panel that people have access to color copies and that and in addition she does not tell on access the Control Panel long-distance. To buy or to rent my copier. The benefits to buy their equipment are that it can according to his needs can buy the most modern model or the one than pleases to him more, will count on guarantee. But of beginning you do not count with the required capital stops this investment or that capital prefer to destine them for other expenses of operation of the company, then it would agree to him to rent the equipment. The fact to rent its copier will bring the benefits to him like for example; to avoid strong decapitalisation for the company, is avoided of the costs by technical service, will also avoid the cost by consumable and spare parts, you have the possibility of updating the equipment, also avoid the depreciation of your equipment, the renting contract protects all these expenses, depending with whom you choose to rent your equipment this offers the possibility you of fixed terms, it maintains liquidity, and he is deductible to the 100% public prosecutor.