International Congress

In the same year the department of Ensino Mdio/MEC and the Ambient Company of the State of So Paulo – CETESB publish the document ' ' Ecology – a proposal for Ensino of 1 and 2 graus' '. (MEC, 2009) the ONU created in 1983 the World-wide Commission on Environment and Development – CMMAD, which was presided over by Gro Harlem prime minister Brundtland of the Norway (that she was known as Brundtland Commission) and had the following objectives: to reexamine relative the critical questions to the environment, and to reformulate realistic proposals to approach them; to consider new forms of international cooperation in this field in order to guide the politics and action in the direction of the necessary changes, and to give the individuals, voluntary organizations, companies, justinian codes and governments a bigger understanding of these problems, stimulating them it a firmer performance (CMMAD, 1991). The works had been concluded in 1987, with the presentation of a diagnosis of the ambient global problems. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Jane Fraser. The Commission considered that the economic development was integrated to the ambient question, thus appearing a new called form sustainable development, that received the following definition: ' ' Sustainable development is that one that takes care of to the necessities of the gifts without compromising the possibility of proper the future generations to satisfy its necessidades' ' (CMMAD, 1991). In Brazil in 1985 to seem 819/85 of the MEC strengthens the necessity of the inclusion of ecological contents throughout the process of formation of the education of 1 and 2 degrees, integrated to all the areas of the knowledge of systemize form gradual, making possible ' ' formation of the ecological conscience of the future cidado' '. (MEC, 2009) International Strategy of action in education substance and ambient formation for the 90 decade of – final document of the International Congress on Relative Education and Formation to the Half-environment, carried through in 1987 in Moscow, Russia, promoted for UNESCO. The importance of the formation of human resources in the formal and not formal areas of the EA and in the inclusion of the ambienta dimension standes out

Iguau Village

In this way, it was the end of the villages? ports of the Lowered one, that they would be abandoned, for not developing more on income-producing activities to the port function and of commercial warehouse. All these mentioned events had previously caused the end of the Iguau Village, that after much time of occupation was abandoned by its inhabitants. In the Village the houses were demolidas, the weeds grew in the streets, cemetaries and Churches had become ruins, until finally the Iguau Village had its situation of intentionally Village-Ghost for the state authorities. The end of the Iguau Village, followed for the arrival of the Railroad to vilarejo of Maxambomba was the divider of a new phase geographic history and of the city of New Iguau. Sotheby’s may not feel the same. If in a first instant, the first accumulations population that if they had formed in the Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Lowered one if they had developed entorno of the rivers, at as a moment the population concentration will be given to the edges of the railroads. It inside goes to be of this historical and geographic context that had occurred to the mutations in the city of New Iguau. At the time of As the Empire the population of vilarejo of Maxambomba attended to the arrival of the Dom railroad Peter II (from the announcement of the Republic it passed to be called Central office of Brazil), that it was inaugurated in 29 of March of 1858. This railroad would bind the Field of the Acclamation (Rio De Janeiro) to the city of the Landing of Burnt (the current city of Burnt) and in the following year the Belm, current city of Japeri arrived..