Yuri Tsarev

Here, a biographical tale of a little want to retreat, and to express my deep gratitude to Yuri Tsarev, the creator of our first site, "godfather" of my project! And whirled Wheel of Fortune! In The group adopted a girl, Olesya, Olesya and we took ourselves, it is not important, it is important we TRIO "Dynamite." As a dancer was vertuozna Oles, acrobatics, taste, plastic – so much she taught us (thanks!) instilled a taste for beautiful, so to speak, but the characters, alas, did not agree … Separated chilly … Then the group got sudbanosnaya Tanechka.Trio went to goru.Tatyana was not podrazhaema, artistic, real actress! Then another long put her in an example to all sotrudnikam.No everything flows, everything changes, there are two brand new dancers, now four of us, now we're a group! Hooray! We almost demanded, almost popular, almost family, almost star! Almost … And here it is – black band! Someone said, someone did not understand, someone left, someone was … intrigue, conspiracy and betrayal – all as everyone in the show-business.

I will not go into details vdovatsya not going to tell you that experienced that feeling … Then it seemed that Russian koncheno.No all die, but not zdayutsya! Now, proshevstvii many years, I understand that cost to say thank you to those who left. What would not I who I am now, what would not have met the most important employee, and like-minded ally Anastosiyu.No on that later … In the meantime, the thread turnover … a lot of actors with big ambitions, but worth it was worth! How long will shortly see, with the world on a string – a mulatto, acrobats, strippers from the periphery of one another have changed. But every cloud has a silver lining! During all this otpeli, shot a video for the song "Strippers." Now this is a hit, receiving awards and is still rotated at the same radio.Opyat want to bow in gratitude and not a single repeatable director, guru and Sensei Matthew klipmeykerstva Saburov! So we have popsoy.Pesni, rotation, music videos, television programs, articles, output of the first music album of his own composition – all these hard-won award! For three years we had three! Anastasia, Victoria and I, We like the three musketeers! And let things happen between us, but we are all professionals who are in love with the scene in his own world zritelya.U us with barhotnymi curtains – theater-HUMOR SHOW! Suppose we opposites, but the main thing that we do not conflict, but complement each druga.Glavnoe that we look to one side, the main thing that we – team called ART-PROJECT DYNAMITE!

Design Backgammon

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