Keep in mind that no plant grows in its natural state in a pot inside a house,and certain operations must be done to keep it healthy and under control. As a first measure to be taken into account, is to change the pot 5 or 6 times per year. It was done so that the root system is kept healthy. Must be determined first at whether the plant has outgrown the pot, that is, if the soil is not nothing but roots without soil. Sometimes their looks shows us, because it is disproportionate to the recipient, does not produce new shoots in spring or even some roots poke through the hole in the bottom of the pot. However, the surest way to find out is to reverse it.
Hitting the rim, preferably by size, on a hard surface and pulling a bit of the plant to inspect its roots. Before the change is appropriate watering pot with abundance and drain excess water, then it must not be watered two or three days, so the roots must begin to explore the substrate in search of moisture. A Despite the change in pot some plants, especially those of rapid growth, the substrate do not always get enough nutrients. Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX is a great source of information. Sometimes you have a oversize impossible to change, then it is necessary to feed them when they are growing or giving flowers. The easiest method is to pay them with irrigation water by soluble or granular fertilizer, placing the pot in a tablespoon and then spraying or through a foliage fertilizer that is sprayed on the leaves. Should never be applied more than the directions say in many cases it is better to err by default. Most plants need regular pruning, for some it is simply a matter of hygiene and appearance, and one need only cut the dead flowers and dead leaves or damaged.
Always use sharp scissors, not rusty. The material of “food” to be used with indoor plants is vital for some, while others thrive on any kind, all water and minerals that the plant needs for growth are absorbed from the substrate through the roots. Should never be used garden soil because drainage is difficult and tends to compact quickly. The potting has traditionally been an art and a mystery. The mixture may be in proportion 3:1:3 or 3:1:2 equal parts of Resaca-earth-perlite or peat-soil – sand or compost-ground-breaker. Always make mixtures with a hangover or improved land that give nutrients, peat gives water retention and aeration and sand provides drainage. Most commercial preparations are based on these components. If you are with the highest proportion of peat will be suitable for species requiring somewhat acid soil such as ferns.