1. Audiobooks – audio books is in MP3 or CDA. Format CDA – universal and readable by any player, but its lack – is the volume (one book fits on three or more CD); MP3 format compares favorably with the compactness and quality of sound, but some players do not support it. 2. Audiobooks in most cases, well-read by professional narrators or actors (native speakers) in professional recording studios. 3.
Audiobooks can be listen to the radio while driving a car with an MP3 player on the street or the subway, with any player at home, doing some work or just relaxing in style with a cup of strong coffee (alone?), with his dreams in the plot followed suit vicissitudes of listening to 'fiction', and the lack of pressure on our tired eyes – plus additional audiobooks 4. Audiobooks can listen not only for the sake of fun and pleasure, but also good for themselves – to improve, for example, skills of perception and understanding of foreign language speech 5. By treating skeptically at first audiobook (soul lay in the good old books), but just do not buy and read the voluminous art and other texts from the monitor – passion advocates of the Marquis de Sade, now I have made the correct choice for audiobooks, a matter of taste and life credo everyone – whether listening to an audiobook with the highest goals of care as their own education and unlimited spiritual and aesthetic growth of each other, or the same goals without them, you can not come together in one – in the preferences to the voice of an actor or that it is fixable. PSMaksim Bitter stated – 'All good in me I owe books', so it's best not to argue with the classics, and expand horizons, to enrich the thesaurus, to receive the specialized knowledge of such an effective and powerful source like a book – audiobook, which is still the best gift