First to know how to cure Internal hemorrhoids, we must know some similarities and differences of the external, to know when suffer them and that way we act to obtain an optimal solution. Similarities:-both produce bleeding, pain, burning and discomfort. -They are shaped like pillows. -Its descent is very difficult to obtain due to his constant irritation by mechanical shocks or feces. Differences: Internal:-hard to diagnose its presence early, due to its location which is not visible.
-Feeling of incomplete defecation, packages them feel as if they were remnants of feces. -Occur mostly in the rectum. Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX may help you with your research. EXTERNAL:-are easy to observe and even of felt. -Feeling of complete defecation, but are afraid to do this because we think that any time they break. -Occur mostly in the year. To cure hemorrhoids should changes in the 3 mentioned fields: hygiene: after each defecation, is safer than not performing forces, so that in this way do not prolapsen. Using paper moist at the time of be cleaned or is it better to take a shower with cold water in the event that there is pain there is pain, or hot water to improve circulation.
Food and Drug Administration: consuming foods with a high content of fibers and liquid, on an ongoing basis to provide best performance. We must apply the medications that we use only when discomfort is present, but in antibiotics should always be punctual use to not create bacterial resistance; Internal hemorrhoids often lies outside our scope for the application of our drugs, for that there are suppositories. Exercise: Practicing light stretching exercises help to the entire circulation in our body, mild removes blockages in arteries and veins, and hemorrhoids desinflama. Do not forced exercise or lifting too much weight, in these situations the body needs the support of the whole body and sometimes causes certain bodies being pulled out of place causing hernias.