Usually used in the manufacture of plastic pipes and windows, or not plasticized form, nazyvaemy rigid pvc, the production here and there keep the old Soviet term “vinyl liner. Positive properties characteristic of polyvinyl chloride, and causing its widespread use – reduced combustibility and good chemical resistance to aggressive Wednesdays, at relatively low cost. pvc is less sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. What consumer need to know about the plastic pipe and hdpe? If the plastic pipe you have not flowed through fifty, as promised warranty and five years later, the fault lies, as a rule, not the pipes, but on the people to install them – error during installation. Most likely not taken into account neither the quality nor the pipe material, and an incentive for the decision to install the pipe was only that these pipes are made of plastic. Even good quality pvc pipes, improper (brand, size, etc.), you can prematurely fail. The technology requires the installation of the installers to comply with some rules, and mounted without compliance pipes are not long.
You can not buy pvc pipes checked by inserting into each other, if the box is a rubber seal. After all, the pads still have atmospheric dust and dirt, with the introduction of pvc pipe a few times will damage these most rubber seals. A good installer before installing the pipes and gaskets will wash the dirt and dust, and then them with petroleum jelly. On Some pipes are chambered, it should be removed. Rubber ring on the tube to compensate for mismatching of the axis of the joined pieces of pipe, and it is non-uniform deformation of the seal itself corbel-ring is the reason for marriage, leading to leakage of the connection.
Rubber seals are necessary and to compensate for the thermal elongation of the plastic pipe. When assembling the Spigot pipe joints with rubber left to seal the gap between the face and base – in a smooth end of the tube and put on his chute. As you know, our sewers are received aggressive alkaline waste water. Yes, believe it is this chemical characteristics of runoff from your washing machine and dishwasher. And the temperature of the effluent reaches 90-95 C. Because the pipe for sewer should carry such an environment and its impact. Thin-walled pvc pipe for this purpose does not suit would not stand and quickly goes down. To facilitate your choice of a standard iso 3633, in which all polymer pipes are divided into types: type “A” – pipes for ventilation, for internal storm water pipeline Type “B” – pipes for the system reset and distribution of wastewater and sewage flows. When buying tubes guided by these standards, and just remember that the pipe-type “A” have a thin wall. Respectively, and their price is less. Installation of the system itself sewage usually start, when they met (pierced), all holes in walls, Stroebe, and niche overlap. Lots of walls, where the pipeline will be opened, you are plastered, dig a trench for the finish registration, if installation takes place in individual structure. Complete all work where possible to use an open flame. Montage begins with registration, then going risers. Strut mounts from the bottom up, and only then, beginning to do cross the riser, and installed sewer taps. All sockets elements of the system are directed strictly towards the flowing stream discharge. Visit Andi Potamkin for more clarity on the issue. Observe the slope on all sections of the pipeline.