Monthly Archives: January 2010

Brief for the making of the video

BRIEF FOR CARRYING OUT THE VIDEO OF INDUCTION TO CIDEC-CTQ: I. Customer name. CIDEC – Queretaro Technical Center (CTQ) II. Name of project / product / service Induction Queretaro CIDEC-Technical Center III. Broadcast Media: (External / Internal) Internal IV. Desired recording format (digital, film, HD) Digital / V. Product life 8 min. VI. Intended audience (target market: gender, geographic area, age, socioeconomic status, educational level) 1. People new entry with the following characteristics: Most male but without neglecting the female. Age ranges average 23 – 36 years-Most have 28 years. Most graduates of the career (engineering) 85 of the population with bachelor level (engineers), many from surrounding cities (Mexico City, Michoacan, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes, etc.).. 10.4 postgraduate (masters), 1.6 trade or technical. Average socioeconomic status: middle and upper. (B, B ) Edo Status: Single (mostly). VII. Aim Welcome the new employee briefly presenting all that is the CTQ. VIII. Communication objective build trust, generate a specific learning, inform, persuade, educate, entertain) Induce employees the policies followed in the CTQ safety, hygiene, environmental awareness, customer engagement and commitment to enterprise. Seeking to persuade the employee to remember and follow the rules. IX. Dynamic communication tone, young man. The subject is serious, yet so important it should be in everyday language, dynamic, very clearly explained ideas (as well as apples) while standing doubts policies is compelling. Some terms with institutional tone. X. Preferences phrase: Male XI. Suggested Musicalization Type The company’s technology is at the forefront, is a company with much international contact, suggest various mixes of electronic music that is aggressive while at certain times (the environment) to play with more acoustic music. XIII.Other comments or suggestions for the production A narrated production, with images of the building, facilities, its people, everyday activities, any of its events, seeking to immerse the new partner in the corporate culture, getting invited to follow the company’s shirt and letting him know that this an excellent choice for labor.

Education and professional

Education and professional experience to work Toledo shoeshine and conducted vendor to contribute to the household economy, which was very precarious. These activities continued in parallel with their primary education in state schools San Isidro and Minerva. He was educated in the Great Unity School San Pedro de Chimbote, highlighting literary and journalistic skills. These skills earned him win a scholarship in 1966 to graduate studies at the University of San Francisco, USA. From there his life changed and began a distinguished career that took him to the presidency. Toledo Young studied economics in 1970 and completed undergraduate studies. He himself says that at this time was some economic resources semiprofessional soccer practice and as assistant professor. He earned a master’s degree in economics from Stanford University in 1971 and MA in Education with a specialization in Human Resources in 1972.In 1976 he received a doctorate in Education with a specialization in Human Resources also at Stanford University and in 1979 he married the Jewish Belgian anthropologist Eliane Karp, scholar of pre-Columbian civilizations of Peru. Toledo worked at the Center for Promotion and International Development Education from Stanford University, the headquarters of the Organization of the United Nations, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Agency for International Development U.S. (USAID), the International Labor Organization (ILO), UNICEF and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and was a visiting professor of Waseda University. Distributed, therefore, your stay in the cities of New York, Washington DC, Geneva and Paris. Back in Peru kept their jobs as a consultant and visiting fellow at the Institute for International Development at Harvard University and at Waseda University in Tokyo.He was Professor of Finance and Accounting at the School of Business Administration – (ESAN) and directed the Economic Development Institute (SDI).

Amway Amway (American

Amway Amway (American Way, in English the American way) (Quixtar in Canada, America and the Caribbean) is a multilevel marketing company founded in 1959 in EE. UU. by Jay Van Andel and Rich DeVos, who had the idea of creating what they called “an innovative business opportunity based on direct sales from person to person.” The company was established as the leading concept in one of the fastest growing industries today. Multilevel marketing allows you to organize a business in which products and services are offered to the final consumer through a network of “entrepreneurs” Amway. Some of these products, are among its qualities that are hypo-allergenic, Concentrated, Biodegradable.These employers generally receive income from Amway in three ways: 1) they can buy products at dealer price and sell to final consumers for a higher price 2) the provider of products provides the employer with compensation based on sales of products and consumer services 3) the supplier provides compensation for sales made through the Amway business network it has registered and educated in the business. Today, more than three million entrepreneurs distribute Amway products in more than 80 countries and territories. In February 2008 added to this list in Vietnam remain well over 85 countries where these products are distributed. In fiscal year 1999 Amway-generated through its global distribution network, product-5000 million in sales. And for 2007, Amway was the bill of 7200 million. Citation needed

Sales Techniques sales

Sales Techniques sales techniques are the body of methods used in the profession of sales, also often called simply “sales”. Techniques in use vary from consultative selling highly customer focused to very pressured “hard close”. All techniques require some experience and are mixed with a little psychological divination to know what motivates others to buy something offered by one. The Masters on the techniques of selling can offer very high incomes, while failure it can be depressing and frustrating. The portrait of this aspect is reflected in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. The seller must often cope with a high level of rejection. This is difficult to handle emotionally, citing generally regarded as the most common reason for leaving the profession.Because of this, the sales training techniques include a lot of motivational material and preparation given by psychology professionals trained or ex-sellers called Coaches, these tend to be managers or sellers with long history. Dennis Carey Overall sales training is usually very warlike and taken to limit the practice and understanding are compared to military survival training because the seller is continuously touching the frustration and rejection. The so-called trend of NO “they must be ethical and formally using various concepts of modern psychology inductive. Today a true sales professional is a person highly skilled in several items or humanistic subjects such as psychology, marketing, public speaking techniques, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), motivational and languages.

Latest crime stats

Jackson Crime Stats for week ending January 3, 2010. Crime overview for same week.

I am

I am sure that since you present to Kanye West‘s new girlfriend you are experiencing continuous spasmodic anxiety attack before the unknown that such Amber Rose is in your becoming vital, aunts. For quiet, aunts, existential vacuum that will cause the other day is about to be filled with a lot of superfluous information and biased. After the jump you have a world composed of lesbianism apparent lovers weaned and lovelorn, sex, lies, singers battered, styling hair and high fashion, aunts.

Role of the IMF

Such was the extent and severity of the collapse that external intervention became necessary, despite being regarded by many as a new kind of colonialism. Given that they were being affected countries were between rich not only in their region but worldwide, and given that billions of dollars were at stake, any response to the crisis should be cooperative and international levels. In this case, intervention occurred through the International Monetary Fund. The IMF created a series of packets of “rescue” to bail out the most affected economies to prevent suspension of payments of these countries, bringing together these packages of reforms that were meant to stabilize the Asian currencies and banking systems and financial, as exemplified in the U.S. and Europe. In other words, the IMF support was conditional on a series of drastic economic reforms influenced by neoliberal economic principles called “structural adjustment package.Structural adjustment required of the crisis-hit countries ordered cut public spending and reduce fiscal deficit, let the insolvent banks and financial institutions fail and raise interest rates aggressively. The reasoning behind these measures was that these would be restored confidence in the countries’ fiscal solvency, penalize insolvent companies and protect the value of the coins. Above all, it was stipulated that IMF-supported capital should be managed rationally in the future, without supporters received funds embezzled favorite, to this end, there must be adequate government controls in place to monitor all financial activities, which should be independent private interest. Insolvent institutions were closed and insolvency itself had to be clearly defined. In short, Asia should be created exactly the same type of existing financial institutions in the United States as a condition of IMF support.In addition, financial systems should become “transparent”, that is, provide the kind of reliable financial information used in the West to make reasonable financial decisions. However, the biggest criticism against the IMF’s role in the crisis focused on its response to the crisis. As country after country fell into crisis, many local businesses and loans they had taken governments in U.S. dollars, became much more expensive for local currency in which they obtained their profits, being unable to pay its crors. The dynamics of the situation was very similar to that of the debt crisis in Latin America. The effects of structural adjustment program were mixed and their impact controversial. However, critics noted the contradictory nature of these policies, arguing that in a recession, the traditional Keynesian response was to increase public spending to support larger companies and lower interest rates.The reason was that, in this way will stimulate the economy, avoiding recession, with which governments could restore confidence while also warned the economic malaise. It argued that the same United States Government had followed expansionary policies, such as reducing interest rates, increased government spending and tax cuts when the U.S. entered recession in 2001. Although such reforms, in most cases, were long deprived, the countries most involved ended up undergoing a political and financial restructuring nearly complete. Suffered permanent currency devaluations, massive numbers of bankruptcies, collapses in all economic sectors, housing market slump, high unemployment and social unrest. For most of the countries involved, the intervention of the IMF had been roundly criticized.The role of the International Monetary Fund was so controversial during the crisis that many locals called the financial crisis the “IMF crisis.” In retrospect, many commentators criticize the IMF for pushing developing economies of Asia to the “fast track of capitalism”, ie towards financial sector liberalization (removal of restrictions on capital flows), maintenance of high domestic interest rates to attract portfolio investment and bank capital, and fix the national currency dollar to reassure foreign investors against currency risk. In other words, it was argued that the IMF itself was the cause of the crisis.

Ethics in accounting: not enough to teach rules

This is an article in which we can realize that today if it is very necessary to have an area in which we teach the true value of ethics within a profession Currently there are more than ever, astounding financial scandals, which suggest the obligation to pay greater attention to ethics in accounting and improve ethics education for accountants. That’s why I share with you an eye hechenle this article: In the last decade, there has been increasing interest in ethics education in accounting and ethics.However, important weaknesses persist, such as the fact that, standards, principles and virtues are usually taught separately. Only a few authors address the role of personality in accounting presentation of relevant and accurate financial reports and the importance of practical reasoning in accounting. In his article “Ethical Education in Accounting: Integrating Rules, Values and Virtues” ( “ethics in accounting education: integrating norms, values and virtues”), Professor Dom nec Mele IESE believes that, following recent financial scandals, it seems more necessary never pay more attention to ethics in accounting and improve ethics education for accountants. Moreover, in contrast to current flows of accounting ethics and ethics education in accounting, Mele presents an approach to norms, values and virtues are interconnected. Accountants work in many different areas, including auditing, management accounting, tax accounting, financial planning, consulting and, of course, preparation of accounts. In each of these areas raising ethical issues. In fact, accountants perceive at work there is the possibility to act unethically. To help, there are codes of conduct to offer guidelines to follow proper behavior in the profession. These codes contain a number of principles and rules that specify what society expects to be taken into account in making decisions. But in practice the rules are applied mechanically. Worse yet, in the current legalistic society, legal right and often confused. Therefore, in accounting ethics is not reducible to decide what code of conduct apply. Accountants have to make practical judgments on specific situations and, above all, working properly.These two conditions require not only knowledge of the norms and values have always present, but also have a good personality. The values (in the intellect) correspond with the human virtues (in character), or the virtues of the person as such. By values, the author understands the “moral goods” inherent in human nature. Hence, in his view, norms, values and virtues are interrelated. Personality influences as practical reasoning, the author believes that the main objective of ethics education in accounting-and, of course, in any professional field-should be influencing the ethical behavior of those who receive it and not just to teach a series of theories and tools to solve moral dilemmas. Ethical behavior depends chiefly on moral sensitivity (how the individual understands the ethical dimension of a situation), the moral evaluation (the ability to judge which alternatives are ethically acceptable and what is not, and to determine the honesty of intention) moral motivation (the desire to act ethically by placing moral values over other values, and becoming personally liable for the ethical consequences of their actions) and the moral virtues (permanent attitudes and inner strength to act ethically).