The Education

Some fields of study privilege a retraction to the history education, mainly in the half academics, with new studies, research, discues and questionings raised from a reformularization of the history education; exactly thus the change process is restricted and transformation of the reality dispatches by post similar of the history education. She is necessary to develop half methods and for which they obtain to reach the common objective in if rethink the history education, relating pupils and professors in the process of construction of a new conception of history, richer, more interesting and dynamic that transforms the act of education and learning in that the pupils not only need to improve its knowledge as well as to construct its historical root inside of the society; to create perspectives and to search constantly perfectioning in the quality of the same, as well as the change of attitude of in such a way university professors as of basic and average education in ways the new pedagogical actions that allow the opening of new ways for the history education. 3 the INCORPORATION OF the NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN the HISTRIAA EDUCATION society suffers to each time plus an intense rhythm from transformations and changes in the social and pertaining to school scope; currently the people live under the impact of the technological revolution, that characterizes good part of the commercial relations, personal and educational. ‘ ‘ The technology is an element of social control, domination and being able, not only between countries? central offices and peripherals? as in the interior of the proper schools. It is formed by social conditions, collective forces, cultural traditions and options polticas’ ‘ (LITWIN, 1997, p.30). The technological renewals had been introduced in the educational processes in accompaniment to the constants modifications of the society, intensifying education methods and revigorating the status of the education, the conceptions on new forms to teach had been argued, thought and reformulated leaving with the intention to add methods differentiated in the education of the pertaining to school management..

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