Spiritual Exercises (Santiago de Chile, sept. 2009)

We share the experience of some young people who made the Spiritual Exercises of S.Ignacio at our house in La Cisterna, Santiago, Chile. “It was amazing the feeling to return home.Actually went back again, with a large opt imismo minded and very clean and very clear in several respects. I like to reconnect with my Christian roots and was very nice to realize that I can aspire to spirituality from a Christian perspective. The retreat helped me a lot to reconnect with my spiritual side here in Chile. By the way I explained many things, including the fact that it is not necessary to be a priest to live the spirituality concho.I had serious doubts about this and I realized that I can include God in my daily work. He was very serious and very serious, m and was going to end, almost refused to leave, I was isolated and filled with spiritual doubts.

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