Appeared Edgar Orlandini 1 SUMMARY the ambient question comes if constituting in concern nocontexto of the world-wide quarrels, questo' is not argued more; ' heating global' ' , that already globe can be observed in different partesdo, but it can be made to minimize the effect of this trap that ohomem created exactly for itself. The proposal of this qualitative study consists to emanalisar the level of awareness of the Brazilian citizen with regard to global criseambiental and what it has made of form practical to minimize osefeitos of this preoccupying reality, considering an evidenced quarrel. Leaving of this context and supporting themselves in scientific data, we search entendero joint of resultant contradictions of the interactions human beings with meioambiente and until point these have conscience of the destination that are traandopara the planet. A bibliographical survey was become fullfilled, in the database dosite Scielo (Scientific Eletronic Library On-line), using as reference, aspalavras keys ' ' environment ' ' ' ' conscience ambiental' ' , where one selected scientific articles published in the period of years 2000 at2008, and research carried through for the Brazilian Institute of eEstatstica Geography, that selects the evolution of the Index of Sustainable Development, published in the year of 2.008, comofundamentao of the conclusions. It was selected that oprocesso between perception and envolvement does not occur of harmonic form and that huma dichotomy between conscience and action.
One concludes that the conciliation effective ambient and practical entreconscincia, is related the intrnsecosindividuais factors and that the critical matureness for the taking of conscinciaocorreem time and different places of individualizada form. Words keys: Environment. Quality of life. Ambient conscience. Practical effective. Introduction transformations provoked for the aquecimentoglobal level, already have provoked tragic effect, either for the excess of rains, ougrandes periods of droughts in climate environment habitually If the trend of crescimentoda world-wide population if to confirm, demanding an increase in the demand poralimentos, water, energy; essential primary necessities the sobrevivnciahumana, certainly will provoke turbulences in world-wide scale, reaching pobresou rich.