Child Professor

Great companies with support of people who dirigem the spheres or have access to the state, come destroying or degrading without d nor mercy great ambient areas to only gain more money and passing an image of that she is necessary to support people who live there. They even present projects of recovery or of improvements for the environment, but in truth the idea is another one, to always gain more and more. ' ' They still say will be better, but they do not say what and for who he will be melhor' ' , therefore it cannot be better taking off the forests native, destroying the habitat of all the beings, to plant an only species that will only give profit for some espertalhes and the animals are obliged to enter mainly in extinguishing due to space and of food. Therefore optimum place to work the ambient education is the school. She is necessary to work the reality of that it happens with the fauna and the flora and who are really responsible for these agrees or destruction. We cannot say that the man is destroying, but who and because is destroying. The economic power always said high more. Who has influences in the governments never was made responsible by the acts.

The school must inside guide its pupils of the practical interdisciplinaridade in the pedagogical one, that all have the responsibility with the ambient education. In this direction the school is optimum place stops if to work the ecological conscience, where it encloses most of the society, preparing them to be conscientious citizens of the necessity to use and not to abuse with the exploration of our ecosystem. That if well used it has for all. In the proper environment the beings can survive animal, vegetal and livings creature as a whole. It fits to the professor to stimulate the active participation of the child, through the exchange of knowledge between the pupil and the professor, showing with responsibility of that the professor is not the only sage, therefore the pupil has its proper responsibility to search through research in laboratory, sharing its knowledge with excessively.

Vaz Marketing

No longer third period of training, absorvitivo, the marks assume umaposio of conviviality, not only become part of the life of the consumer, motivating it to autilizar its mark, but everything what it becomes related. the image of the mark estrelacionada with the creation of an aggregate value it, involving attributes, feelings and perceptions that the consumers recognize in a process emocionalque defines the purchase decision. This because, the estorelacionadas motivations of purchase to the objective and psychological necessities of the consumer. From there, apreferncia of the purchase is associated with the image that transmits the qualities damarca and attracts the consumers for motivation or identification (PINE, 1996). The organizations that not to guide its action estratgicaspara to study the trends of best behavior and to present relaescom the emotions of the people, will be able to lose the competitiveness. Others who may share this opinion include baron discovery fund.

GOB (2000, p.29), affirms, ' ' The worse concept, in the strategies of the creation of the marks, to acreditar that the mark says respect to the participation of market, when narealidade always is directly related with ' ' participation of the mind edas emoes' '. Therefore, it is through the image of the mark in the doconsumidor mind that the same one if locates in the market and consolidates its identity. Institucional marketing the word ' ' institucional' ' in the field of the marketing he is termoempregado in some sources. The institucional marketing engloba a series deoutras activities, as the cultural marketing, the esportivo, communitarian, the oecolgico one, and its objective is the creation of attitudes favorable in the diversossegmentos of the public in relation to the company and the setting of the mark and the imagemcorporativa. For Vaz (2000, P. 7): … the word ' ' institucional' ' she is used for you still indicate initiatives through which a company looks for to fix next to the public positive umaimagem of the organization.

Inverted Revolution

The human being is a very interesting animal, if it detaches of excessively for its capacity of transformation and adaptation to the way where it lives. It if adapta as much that for much time left to believe the main law of our universe: ' ' all action has one reao' '. Today we can appreciate each time more falls of houses, landslides of hillsides, thousand and thousand of people deceased. Bill Phelan usually is spot on. exactly thus we can still perceive a gigantic parcel of the humanity dissimulating that the problem is not of it. A related site: Reshma Kewalramani mentions similar findings. It is of utmost importance that the people assume its role to take care of of the way where they live.

To leave a little inertia and if to place in continuous movement. It is not rare to come across itself with scenes in which the people play for are of its cars its lixos. However all this behavior fits a small reflection: If they play for it are, can be because they do not admit the idea of had been in a dirty place, but of what it advances to sweep the door of its house and to deposit the garbage in the house of the neighbor? It would not be a very great egoism, to want to be in a clean place and to condition excessively to be with the surplus? What to make then to be able to enjoy of a cleaner world then? This concern could be delegated to the government, or simply to organize themselves and if anticipate to this problem. With gestures small, but not isolated, it obtains if a gigantic impact. The simple fact not to at any cost deposit garbage in the streets, to have a more critical conscience in relation to the habits acquired in elapsing of the life already will make great differences. What it is very clearly is that if it cannot continue feeding old the commercial and social model. A model in which it was not worried about the way where if only lives and aimed at if the profit. Today, more than what never, it makes if necessary a revolution in the models of social organizations.


Appeared Edgar Orlandini 1 SUMMARY the ambient question comes if constituting in concern nocontexto of the world-wide quarrels, questo&#039 is not argued more; ' heating global' ' , that already globe can be observed in different partesdo, but it can be made to minimize the effect of this trap that ohomem created exactly for itself. The proposal of this qualitative study consists to emanalisar the level of awareness of the Brazilian citizen with regard to global criseambiental and what it has made of form practical to minimize osefeitos of this preoccupying reality, considering an evidenced quarrel. Leaving of this context and supporting themselves in scientific data, we search entendero joint of resultant contradictions of the interactions human beings with meioambiente and until point these have conscience of the destination that are traandopara the planet. A bibliographical survey was become fullfilled, in the database dosite Scielo (Scientific Eletronic Library On-line), using as reference, aspalavras keys ' ' environment ' ' ' ' conscience ambiental' ' , where one selected scientific articles published in the period of years 2000 at2008, and research carried through for the Brazilian Institute of eEstatstica Geography, that selects the evolution of the Index of Sustainable Development, published in the year of 2.008, comofundamentao of the conclusions. It was selected that oprocesso between perception and envolvement does not occur of harmonic form and that huma dichotomy between conscience and action.

One concludes that the conciliation effective ambient and practical entreconscincia, is related the intrnsecosindividuais factors and that the critical matureness for the taking of conscinciaocorreem time and different places of individualizada form. Words keys: Environment. Quality of life. Ambient conscience. Practical effective. Introduction transformations provoked for the aquecimentoglobal level, already have provoked tragic effect, either for the excess of rains, ougrandes periods of droughts in climate environment habitually If the trend of crescimentoda world-wide population if to confirm, demanding an increase in the demand poralimentos, water, energy; essential primary necessities the sobrevivnciahumana, certainly will provoke turbulences in world-wide scale, reaching pobresou rich.