The small food production, with the deficiencies of the supplying system, pressured the prices wholesale of the products agricultural, that chagavam if to raise above of the General Index of Preos (IGP) during the 1960/1964 years of. To face the supplying crises, the federal government was armed of legislation and of extraordinary instruments, it reorganized the sector I publish, creating the Brazilian bell of Alimentao (COBAL) and the Brazilian bell of storage (CIBRAZEM), and still strengthened the controlling and fiscalizador paper of the SUNAD (THIN, 1997, p.217). The great structural problems of Brazilian agriculture continued not being equated or decided, and the omission more notable says respect ace interdependent questions of the relations of work and the agrarian structure. One of estimated basic of the agricultural politics in vigor the time inhabited in the belief of that the intent agrarian structure did not represent none empecilho to the increase of sectorial production and of the productivity. The decade of 1950 was marked by the emergency of the social fights in the field and by the organization of the social movements of peasants and agricultural workers, demanding above all the land redistribution and the instauration of the labor laws.
The foundation of the ULTAB – Union of the Farmers and Agricultural Workers in Brazil, of 1954 and the organization of the first league peasant in Pernambuco, in 1955, was the initial landmark of this movement, that would culminate with the foundation of the CONTAG – National Confederation of the Workers of Agriculture in 1963. In the same year, it was promulgated, the statute of the agricultural worker, extending to the agricultural workers some of the rights that much time has had been granted to the urban workers: professional register, remunerated weekly rest, vacation, Christmas bonus, and others. As for the agrarian reform, the resistance of the congress, beyond the inhibiting devices of the land dispossession, enrolled in 1946 constitution, had a conduction of the debates to an institucional impasse and nothing it was materialize.