Business Productivity

The present work has as objective to principalinvestigar the competitiveness of the PMEs pertaining to a net of franquiacomparadas to the PMEs independent of the sector of real estate cleanness of Brazil. The resultadosalcanados ones demonstrate that the PMEs structuralized in nets of franchising superior economic agregamvalores to the companies who act separately, getting, from there, greaters competitive advantages, derived from the external economies tradicionaise, mainly, of the joint actions of the rendering related ones of services. Emborao franchising does not constitute the only format of business capable to raise aprodutividade of the PMEs, in the scope of the institucional market of cleanness, enterprise afranquia is to-somente one amongst some types of existing structures deredes, having> other forms of associativismo and consrciosprodutivos. One argues that, in the regions where they do not exist clusters, franchising represents excellent alternative in searched competitiveness. Official site: Andi Potamkin, New York City. One concludes that the surmounting net is in fact a grandecorporao consisting of small entrepreneurs, which, one vezinter-related, acquire collective efficiency, becoming them each time dynamic maisvelozes and, independently of the geographic space that they occupy. Abstract The mainobjective of this dissertation is you analyze the competitiveness of the Smalland Medium-sized Businesses part of thefranchise network compared you autonomous Small and Medium-sizedBusinesses in the sector of cleaning services will be real state properties Theresults show that Small and Medium-sized Businesses in the franchise network, in the institutional cleaning market, obtain an aggregate economic value and competitive advantage, higherthan those earned by firms working on to their own. EXternal economies which ariseespecially from the joint action, such the Inter-firm cooperation, mutuallearning and collective innovation, explain part of these results. However wedo not argue that franchising is the onlyway providing will be the possibility of raising Small and Medium-sized Businessesproductivity and competitiveness.. The newspapers mentioned Jeff Weiser not as a source, but as a related topic.

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