Lothar Spath and Norman Rentrop inspire entrepreneurs had invited tempus.Consulting, the company of staff expert Prof. Dr. Jorg Knoblauch, which has advanced with the TEMP method already over 1000 companies. The book published in the campus-Verlag to this method you got at the reception and had the first WOW effect already before the event: the book was autographed with a personal dedication to the visitors by the three authors, Jorg Knoblauch, Jurgen Kurz and Jurgen Frey. Garlic and short raised the entrepreneurs how you spend your time: too many entrepreneurs take over the responsibilities of managers and employees, i.e. they work in the company and not to the future of your company. But those who prefer daily work from the frog’s perspective to the strategic vision of the Eagle, can succeed in the long term not an entrepreneur. As a successful entrepreneur and investor showed Norman Rentrop (founder and Chairman of Publisher for the Deutsche Wirtschaft AG, Board of Directors Investment stock corporation for long-term investors TGV “) on the basis of eight strategies to own example, how to successfully run a business.
Business Administration was practically tangible and exciting explained. Rentrops conclusion: all these strategies are very important, but the most important is the vision: it must be lived in throughout the company. “Entrepreneurs could choose in the first workshop unit, whether they communicate effectively” wanting to learn or how to more efficiently create the Office 20%. The new TEMP method was introduced and entrepreneurs learned how out customers are real fans. After a delicious lunch buffet the participants could choose well strengthened again one of four workshops of knowledge buffet: the vision that reaches the heart of employees; Executives develop to ensure success; find the best employees and keep or how you can successfully advise with the TEMP method. According to business practice reports and how you can best tackle the crisis, everybody was looking forward to the presentation by Prof.
Dr. h.c. Lothar Spath: now change! Winners and losers in the world of tomorrow”. He pointed out the tremendous change in the German market in terms of globalization and the changing age structure. No matter how the situation now is of medium-sized companies who want to be successful tomorrow, must adapt today to the future market conditions. As an example of the electrician Spath pointed out here, how we have changed from a product to a service economy and what problem solvers are the winners of the future. Spath presented the TEMP award together with Jorg Knoblauch. This is awarded annually to two successful users of TEMP method. This year’s winners are companies building cleaning Wasserle and profile metal. The Managing Director of profile metal Mrs Eberspacher Roth brought the importance of tempus in your acceptance speech.Consulting on the point: you can make all experiences as an entrepreneur himself, but this takes a long time and is expensive. The consultant protects from bad Experiences and shows the way to the success of the entrepreneurs.