Occupational Safety Act

Cartoon motivate employees to more caution with simple drawings to communicate the issue of safety in the workplace. Cartoon free, ready-to use correctly. Safety at work is useful and prescribed in the Occupational Safety Act. Basically, every worker is of course affirm the importance of the topic. The implementation of the occupational health and safety in the practice is but a subject that brings much conviction work. Security officers see themselves the employees (and sometimes even bosses) in the situation to promote similar, reminding or admonishing messages.

How can there a certain fatigue effect countered and positively motivated staff, while continuing to deal with the subject? A little help can be the use of cartoons. For even more details, read what Russell Reynolds Associates says on the issue. Employee magazines or poster you remember without the raised index finger”important instructions for the safety. In the cartoon, a careful selection must be made however: the balance between seriousness and nice response must will be safeguarded. The representation must be depending on the application, easy and recognizable even with greater viewing distance. It is also an educational aspect to note: pure representation of an accident situation doesn’t help much. The figure of a correct behavior alone not sufficient reflects generally the Problematig. As a special service, icancreative advertising agency offers free cartoons for download. “The drawings can be used versatile and make risk in 3 images”, thinking and solution “dar. A “minimal seminar” in safety in the workplace are the download link:… / cartoon motivation-f-r more security… Jens Neuhaus

Integration Monitoring As A Tool Of Integration Work

Distorted picture due to unclear evidence by the ambiguous data in the capture of migrants a distorted picture of the situation in Germany. The integration monitoring helps to uncover this progress and weaknesses and is the starting point of a successful integration work. Words like integration and intercultural competencies are emerging for some time on the order of the day in municipalities and cities. For more specific information, check out Bill Phelan. Already today, more than one-fifth of the people living in Germany has a migration background. This share will increase further in the next few years. Therefore, integration work takes an important part of local politics in claim. However, there is a uniform evidence neither federal nor provincial or municipal level. Since 2008 a working group of countries therefore dealt with this topic, to resolve the situation.

A concept for a nationwide integration monitoring is developed under the leadership of the States of Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia. With the help of the Integrationsmonitorings can the progress and delays within the Integration process established and made statements about the structural integration. In addition to federal efforts, there are always occasional attempts to fill this gap. For example, an integration monitoring in the city of Aachen and in the course of a study of integration in Frankfurt am Main was conducted 2008. 2009 created an index for the measurement of integration”the Institute for population and development in Berlin. The imap Institute offers the creation of an Integrationsmonitorings for your community in this context. While a precise system of indicators for your community will be drafted and a Monitoringworkshop invites the relevant actors to the joint development of a concept. After the data gathering and analysis, created the imap Institute recommendations for action and provides a monitoring software, to ensure a sustainable observation.

Chairman Entrepreneurs

Lothar Spath and Norman Rentrop inspire entrepreneurs had invited tempus.Consulting, the company of staff expert Prof. Dr. Jorg Knoblauch, which has advanced with the TEMP method already over 1000 companies. The book published in the campus-Verlag to this method you got at the reception and had the first WOW effect already before the event: the book was autographed with a personal dedication to the visitors by the three authors, Jorg Knoblauch, Jurgen Kurz and Jurgen Frey. Garlic and short raised the entrepreneurs how you spend your time: too many entrepreneurs take over the responsibilities of managers and employees, i.e. they work in the company and not to the future of your company. But those who prefer daily work from the frog’s perspective to the strategic vision of the Eagle, can succeed in the long term not an entrepreneur. As a successful entrepreneur and investor showed Norman Rentrop (founder and Chairman of Publisher for the Deutsche Wirtschaft AG, Board of Directors Investment stock corporation for long-term investors TGV “) on the basis of eight strategies to own example, how to successfully run a business.

Business Administration was practically tangible and exciting explained. Rentrops conclusion: all these strategies are very important, but the most important is the vision: it must be lived in throughout the company. “Entrepreneurs could choose in the first workshop unit, whether they communicate effectively” wanting to learn or how to more efficiently create the Office 20%. The new TEMP method was introduced and entrepreneurs learned how out customers are real fans. After a delicious lunch buffet the participants could choose well strengthened again one of four workshops of knowledge buffet: the vision that reaches the heart of employees; Executives develop to ensure success; find the best employees and keep or how you can successfully advise with the TEMP method. According to business practice reports and how you can best tackle the crisis, everybody was looking forward to the presentation by Prof.

Dr. h.c. Lothar Spath: now change! Winners and losers in the world of tomorrow”. He pointed out the tremendous change in the German market in terms of globalization and the changing age structure. No matter how the situation now is of medium-sized companies who want to be successful tomorrow, must adapt today to the future market conditions. As an example of the electrician Spath pointed out here, how we have changed from a product to a service economy and what problem solvers are the winners of the future. Spath presented the TEMP award together with Jorg Knoblauch. This is awarded annually to two successful users of TEMP method. This year’s winners are companies building cleaning Wasserle and profile metal. The Managing Director of profile metal Mrs Eberspacher Roth brought the importance of tempus in your acceptance speech.Consulting on the point: you can make all experiences as an entrepreneur himself, but this takes a long time and is expensive. The consultant protects from bad Experiences and shows the way to the success of the entrepreneurs.

Sun Therapy

develop meaningful solutions. A related site: Pinterest mentions similar findings. Sea, Sun and positive activities in the Group (MSA) are a catalyst for experience – and changes in behaviour. M = sea S = A Sun activity = what is a coaching against Burnout on a sailing ship so special? As mentioned in the last article, especially cognitive behavioral therapy and the activation therapy show successful in chronic fatigue syndrome (Burnout). Include about the essential activities on a sailing yacht: 1 self organization of the course of the day in the team a. You may wish to learn more. If so, Pinterest is the place to go. day the team set in standing up and body care b. self catering on board c., determine goals, set rate d. yacht make it clear to the expiry of: cleaning, tidying up, setting forth e. sailing yacht common technical conditions taking into account wind, waves, Sun, and last but not least, taking into account the individual potential of performance sailing is team work and only team effort leads to the goal.

This is simple but essential realization is sailing through experience of the Teams with the forces of nature and thus remaining won. Even if you never should have been on a sailing yacht here, so the called task list can easily recognize a high degree of correspondence between elements of the cognitive behavior therapy or activation therapy. And that happens all more or less at the same time, without that someone must think coaching or therapy or even pronounce these words. That is not all, the mentioned effects of the Sun and the monotony of the sea in the form of light and a reverse stimulation therapy”is there as it were still free. *

Annette Scholonek

Such rates do not apply in professional circles even as usury, on the contrary. They are the reasonable prices as fair payment. And equivalent to the annual earnings of medium to high-earning employees, they are also fair. Which proofreader is right for me? Wondering what an editor to an indie author fits, is a question of price. Finally, you can choose only a lecturer, you can also pay. On the other hand, it is good, if you through a sample editing, references, examples of editing or another type of experience can bring, what sound”strikes one when editing. Ben Silbermann shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Even cliched terms: A text expert, who doesn’t like adjectives, will remove an inappropriate adjective in their text rather than to replace it with a better (although they would like the latter).

“Some indie authors looking for a lecturer, with heart and soul” answering to the manuscript and in turn tries to make the best of it. even if it requires major interventions. “Here it is: mainly, the manuscript is at the end of high-quality, professional and attracts the target group”. Other authors, however, do not like it when the lecturer cheerfully engages in the style and flair of the original is lost. These authors should find an editor who rather routinely edited and not try to play author. A professional proofreader should just have but both work. Rather, it is important that the author communicates these requirements to him.

What do I call my desires a lecturer? “Many indie authors trust editors and it practically means implicitly: you make it easy.” It sometimes but not fine often. But how can you call their desires lecturers and lecturers? Who himself is an expert, can do that quite well. Have just larger publishers can specify editors pretty much like offense, whether it have quite”or right” to hot or whether thoughts speech is italic. It can also mean you should sparingly with adjectives, long clauses etc. You can call following their desires a lecturer: the text to the target group address x. “the text is easily readable.” shorten long sentences, simplify everything complicated. Robert Kiyosaki is likely to agree. “you make my style colored.” replace pale verbs and nouns, with stronger. “pay careful attention to the holding by the respective figure perspective.” you pay attention to logic errors. “Note on where the voltage be optimized can.” bring more sense in the novel. “make the dialogue more natural.” paint Superfluous.” These wishes are possible as well: the original style of the manuscript should remain as far as possible. “You long back straight sets, but shorten this not.” replace painted text with new”replace inappropriate adjectives by passendere.” where my is compliant with the spelling rules, to two “” Variants remain mine.”the dialogs you want to sound off, make them definitely not boorish.” the bureaucratic style is wanted, please wipe the colloquial phrases. rather “voltage is not so important to me. Instead the inner dividedness of the characters should be clear.

There Nullchecker

Most models start but full-bodied so: we are the No. 1 of industry and stand for “customers looking for often in vain. Where is it crystal clear: it is the customers who want to make the winner or not also. It makes a huge difference in thinking and acting like the company itself or the customers in the first place in accordance with the principles. At Intuit, a maker of financial software, it says, for example: the customer to our products so feel comfortable, that he says five friends, they should buy it also. “That sounds sure not so smooth brushed as the mission.. by advertising agencies statements from the times before the crisis, and that’s a good thing.

Gekunstelter mission statement prose no one can start with what? The simply worded Intuit set, however, everyone in the company, what to do and where the journey goes understands. In the corridors and coffee kitchen the model is tested and the views are sharpened, a stroll through the company announced. So are the public spaces of producing companies usually a pure self glorification program: machine parts, miniatures manufacturing equipment, aerial photographs, portraits of the founder, a map befahnte with the branches, certificates and trophies. Looking there in vain for customers. It is but another way. So, the branded goods manufacturer Procter & gamble sent to scan, how customers use each product go, photographer. These were then hung in the company cafeteria. Speaking of cafeteria: what fun ‘ sayings about caustic customers hang out with you on the message boards? And what is told in the corridors, in the kitchenette in the smoking area of the customers? There Nullchecker customers? Complaint bitches? Psychos on the phone? Just in the Office, the frustration is often great, and so it come quickly to such talk. I can only guess: sure, as spoken about your customers, because you will get exactly such customers! And no one can withstand long it in such a climate.

You Must Not Even Do Text Entry

A copywriting can do good service in an Office for a company there is always lively. This is probably the only place of a company in which there is always work. Here the threads come together, anyone who wants something that is linked here. This also means that you cannot do without Office work within a company. Whether a large corporation or an individual is an Office is always important. For the business owner here precisely because all threads, converge, because the organization is being held here and here in the end everything can be done.

Business partners and customers of this support, it is also an important stop for outsiders. If this contact breaks down, because the Office is not staffed, which can quickly cast a bad light on the company, customers bail out, business partners are turning to other companies and the sales go back. It is a large company, this is usually not a problem. But the the company gets smaller, it can also be difficult to fill these posts. A sole trader can get here serious difficulties. Because firstly none is available in the company and secondly, important things remain there.

Just a one man operation often not so much work-heavy, you could employ a Secretary throughout the day. The solution: A Schreibservie like the copywriting Elsner from the North Rhine-Westphalian Sankt Augustin. All relevant work that you yourself can’t be done here. Can text acquisition, data processing, or just phone service. Here nothing remains and is done quickly and professionally for 25 years.

Saving Alone Has Recovered Still No Operation

Still many stakeholders improve competitiveness also if all signals suggest that as the economy recovers from the financial crisis and short-time working and sales decline apparently belong to the past, are striving, to cut more costs identify innovation potential. But just crisis mercilessly uncover their own weaknesses. Previous market successes are managed only or is also used to initiate innovation processes continuously to reach new customers with better solutions? “Who has the set not heard: save itself to death”. Sure must be saved in times of crisis, and all costs and processes must be checked for potential savings. But still no operation is recovered through savings alone.

Rather, it is important, parallel to the savings to generate new business potential. The key word here is innovation”, and this not only new products refers to. Often there are also innovations, so simply times completely differently to make and new perspectives to can. Only we must be aware that innovations literally not from the trees fall, and that such efforts have also costs. The old, mundane rule but here is: who is not investing, which is also no winnings achieve. And innovations are planned! What is to be done? Through a systematic approach, innovation potential can identify and use profitably to emerge stronger from the crisis. And this must not be done through a comprehensive project; a so-called innovation audit can indicate with an expenditure of a few man days, where there are starting points for action. A methodical questioning can be clarified whether the company’s activities cover all aspects of innovation, how are these activities, where there is the greatest need for action and how this looks in detail. On this basis can be look like optimal processes and practices, how other companies erfolgreich(er) Act examined then following in small projects, and how this information the company used, to position itself successful and strengthened again in the market.