San Diego Chargers took 36-14 win after his visit to Indianapolis Colts, in the Sunday night game. The Chargers and the Colts faced in order to achieve and exceed the leaders of each division, Jacksonville and Kansas City respectively. San Diego, the second team of the AFC West, is currently the only franchise in the history of the NFL to start a season with a record of 0 WINS and 4 defeats and still capable of reaching the playoffs, this was in 1992. In 2008 the same action repeated but with a record of 4-8. Among his achievements, San diego has a League Championship (AFL 1963), a Championship Conference (AFC 1994), fifteen Championships of Division and since 1960, the first year of competition, until the 2009 participated in 20 opportunities in the playoffs. Since the 2002-03 season, the Chargers have gone through different victories and defeats at the divisional level. In that season they finished third with 8 WINS and 8 losses. The following season worse, going just they reach four wins and twelve losses they suffer, end up rooms with.250 index of triumphs.
In 2004, the team breaks the expectations and surprises to be awarded the Division Championship with twelve WINS and four defeats. In 2005, the Chargers go through a bad time and fall third place after gaining 9 victories and seven defeats. From 2006, the team suffers a positive renewal and change his game strategy, this leads them to also obtain the Divisional Championship in this season and the next two. This action repeated during 2009-10, when with 13 victories and just three defeats were crowned champions of Division for the fourth consecutive time. The Chargers began the 2010-11 season with the intention of retaining his title and thinking about reaching the Super Bowl. It wasn’t them very well, since they initiated vanquished 14-21 by Kansas City.