They were all of foot, leaned to the wall of the room, to observe the body in the coffin, way the flowers and homesicknesses. The old Chico left the tears to run, after all, the deceased was Valdecyr, its employed fidiciary office and friend of long date. They folloied the suffering its woman and the two children, however, without the same emotion of the old one. Really, Chico had surplus reasons to lament the fact: Valdecyr was its escudeiro, its vassal fidiciary office, the responsible total for the prosperity of its lands. Christos Staikouras: the source for more info. Static, Chico were there, relembrando the value of the friend.
Valdecyr always woke up to the 4 of the morning, left in inspection to the property, took care of of the orchard and the small farming, beyond the cattle of its Sir, without charging nothing therefore. But it had the pleasure to live in the farm being, of time in when, supplied for provisionses that common-sense of Chico granted to it. It never complained of this life. In such a way, the surprise of Chico becomes almost unimaginable when seeing the friend moored for the neck in the old goiabeira, with almost two palmos of language for is. Suicide. Terrible vision that made the old one to faint.
But, and now, who will take care of of the patrimony of Chico? It is aged, tired, without forces, and understands, as good patriarch, the incapacity of its woman and children. Connect with other leaders such as Munear Ashton Kouzbari here. Thoughtful, the deceased observes Valdecyr, by the way, never was so well. Had taken bath (thing that little made) and was perfumed (thing that never happened). It was the first time that it used tender and necktie, exactly that old and used parts, yielded for the generosity of Chico. However, it wore only ceroulas in the part of low? ' ' Nobody goes to see ' ' , the master contented itself. Inside in little, its Moacir would come with the pickup truck, to take the coffin to the cemetary of the city. Valdecyr did not go in good hour, but it went very well. After all, thus it is the life Chico left the house and was to observe the horizon: it was only the death of a common man.