DECREE 1832, AUGUST 3 1994 COUNTRY OF REFERENCE: ColombiaPor which adopts the Schedule of Diseases ProfesionalesEL PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA, exercising their constitutional and legal faculties, especially those conferred by paragraph 11 of Article 189 of the Constitution and Article 11 Decree 1295 of 1994.DECRETA: ARTICLE 1. TABLE OF DISEASES PROFESIONALES.Para effects of occupational hazards dealt with in Decree 1295 of 1994, adopts the following table of Occupational Diseases: 1. Silica (silica dust): Work in mines, tunnels, quarries, art galleries, cutting and polishing of silicate rocks. Manufacture of carbide, glass, porcelain, stoneware and other ceramic products, manufacture and maintenance of silica-based bricks. Strip and trimming work in foundries.Manufacture and maintenance of abrasives and washing powder. Works with sandblasting and esmeril.2. SILICOANTRACOSIS (coal dust and silica) Coal Mine Workers, coal miners, firemen, black-humo.3 handlers. Asbestosis (asbestos dust): Extraction, preparation, handling of asbestos or asbestos or substances containing it. Manufacture or repair of asbestos textiles (shredding, carding, spinning, weaving). Manufacture or manipulation of brake linings, insulation and asbestos products fibrocemento.4. TALCOSIS (manipulation of talcum powder): Workers of talc and gypsum mining, papermaking, textile, rubber, ceramics, refractory items, insulators for spark plugs, farmec utica.5 industry. Siderosis (IRON OXIDE POWDER): polishers, turners minas.6 iron workers. Baritosis (Barium oxide dust): Workers in mines of barium, handling, packaging and processing bario.7 compounds.ESTA OSIS (TIN OXIDE POWDER: Tin Mine Workers and manipulation of tin oxide and its compuestos.8. CALILOCIS (POWDER OR DUST CALCIUM LIMESTONE): Workers in cement or m rmol.9. Byssinosis (cotton dust) : Workers algod n.10 industry. bagassosis (BAGASSE SUGAR): Workers in the sugarcane industry, papelera.11. PULMONARY DISEASE HEMP POWDER: Workers c amo.12. TABACOSIS (SNUFF POWDER ): Workers tabaco.13 industry. SATURN (Lead and its compounds): extraction, processing, preparation and use of lead, its minerals, alloys, combinations and all products that contengan.14. HIDRAGIRISMO (MERCURY AND ITS AMALGAM): Extraction, processing, preparation, use and handling of mercury, its amalgams, their combinations and all product that contenga.15. DISEASES CAUSED BY CADMIUM AND ITS COMPOUNDS: Treatment, handling and use of cadmium and its compounds .16.Mangano (Manganese and its compounds): extraction, preparation, transport and use of manganese and its compuestos.17. CROMISMO chromium and its compounds): Preparation, use and handling of chromic acid, chromates and bicromatos.18. Berylliosis (beryllium and its compounds): Handling and use of beryllium or its compuestos.19. DISEASES CAUSED BY VANADIUM AND ITS COMPOUNDS: Collection and use of vanadium and its compounds or products that contengan.20. Arsenic (Arsenic and its compounds): Preparation, use and handling of ars nico.21. PHOSPHORUS (phosphorus and its compounds): Preparation, use and handling of phosphorus and its compuestos.22. Fluorosis (Fluorine and its compounds): Mining of fluorine, hydrofluoric acid manufacturing, handling and use his or her derivados.23. CLORISMO (CHLORINE AND ITS COMPOUNDS): Preparation of chlorine, water purification, desinfecci n.24.DISEASES CAUSED BY IONIZING RADIATION: In operations such as extraction and processing of radioactive minerals, manufacture of medical equipment for radiation therapy, use of radioactive substances and X-ray laboratory, manufacture of chemicals and radioactive pharmaceuticals, manufacture and application of luminescent products with radioactive substances jobs in industries and businesses that use radioactive X-ray and consultation work in diagnosticradiology, radiation therapy in clinics, hospitals and other institutions providing health services and other work involving exposure to ionizing radiation with high , medium, low and ultralow densidad.25.

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