Speed is reduced by the reduction gearing. In the best case, after an incorrect assess their capabilities driver realizes his mistake once in a roadside snowbank. Often on winter road you can see an accident, which was attended by several cars. Model of these accidents is quite simple: one who stands Last not keep your distance, move down the road at high speed. And even the emergency brake did not saved the car from a collision. Observing the elementary rules of caution can avoid situations in which your vehicle plays the role of the last car in "road train". And not to be in place first car, avoid sudden braking.
On the winter road braking should be smooth and continuous. If you see that stop earlier than required, it is always possible to release the brake pedal and just roll at very low speed until the stop point. Otherwise, noting that the machine does not have time to stop motorist hits the brakes harder, and often that is what leads to a wheel lock and a subsequent drift. NOTE: the sharp deceleration on any road surface, even under good weather conditions leading to the creation Emergency! Another piece of advice to drivers, following a long distance. Put the bag in the trunk with raw sand. This will provide directional stability and uniform distribution of load on the front and rear axle vehicles, and more sand can be used if you demolished on ice.
Particularly dangerous for the driver are junctions and public transport, where the road is a thumb-wheel braking Car cover, sprinkled with snow or covered with a crust of ice. Advise on the approach to a dangerous site, reduce speed, increase distance and the lateral spacing with respect to reaching a number of vehicles. All activities run smoothly, without sudden movements. Also be aware that in the autumn and winter daylight hours are shorter and drivers often have to use headlights. Remember: seeing yourself enough, you also be visible to others, and dirty steklorasseivatel reduces brightness. Very hard driver at night when it rains. The light reflected in the flow of water can be deceiving. Wet road surface becomes a "mirror" reflecting headlights of moving cars. It should be more attentive to other road users – do not forget to switch the lights on low beam. Many training centers offer improved driving skills in the winter period, special programs for rapid adaptation to the city mode. In order not to lose a car, no self-confidence requires a special set of skills. Skills of safe driving in critical situations.