Primerica, says:
This is a blog about my experiences at Primerica and my opinions about this great fantastic company. Primerica does what is right for their clients 100% of the time. I’m an agent and I feel positive and good about what I do for families. Disclaimer: The postings on this blog does not represent Primerica Financial Services as a whole, but as a matter of opinion and information based by me.
The tax of unemployment measured for the IBGE in the six main regions metropolitans of the Country fell a little in May, for 8,8%, against 8,9% in April. She is the second minor already registered in one May month since the beginning of the historical series, in 2002. What it seems to be a good result for one year of crisis still hides a favorable picture. The real income of the workers – already deducted the inflation – withdrew in relation to the previous month, while the number of unemployed people almost registered the annual high greater in three years. The informality increased.
The number of busy in the six regions metropolitans went up only 0.3% in May in relation April and 0.2% in comparison the May of the last year. It had small fall (- 0.5%) in the number of vacated in relation the April. This fall did not prevent the high one of 13,0% in the number of vacated in relation the May of 2008, the annual greater since August of 2006. The total of unemployed people increased in 234 a thousand of May of the year passed until equal month of this year, totalizing 2,04 million people. In the same period, only 45 a thousand vacant had been generated. The strong increase of the unemployed people is associated with the weakness of the economic activity in the period. The rhythm of formal vacant generation worries. In the January average the May of 2008, the vacant number with signed wallet increased 8.6% e, in equal period of 2009, increased well less (2.9%).
In the comparison with April, the job without wallet increased 1.4%. Of the 71 a thousand generated vacant, more than the half, 37 a thousand, are informal. IndstriEntre the activities searched for the IBGE, the industry, that leads the formal jobs and paid the best wages, was the one that more it fired in May.