This article does not believe that never ceases to be controversial because the criteria for taking the population of each city are also highly variable and change over time, as the cities of living entities. ” But I think we should unify the criteria to reflect the population of each. I should not put the total population of the municipality that in many cases does not reflect reality, for example Maturin no bedr 470,000, which are relevant to their town and cities as well as there are: Barcelona-Puerto La Cruz-dairy, Merida -Ejido San Francisco Maracaibo, Valencia-Naguanagua San Diego-Los Guayara-Tocuyito, Acarigua-Araure, Coro-La Vela, among others which are in different municipalities and forming a continuous urban undoubtedly, but in many cases retaining their identities as different cities.
In the particular case of this article should only place the population of the city that matches the continuous urban area of town corresndiente. Under this approach, for example Caracas would have approximately 1,900,000 inhabitants. which is the population of the municipality of Libertador district capital and in the case of Chorus would have little less than 200,000 inhabitants. although the population of the municipality of Miranda Falcon state is greater than this, but the urban area of Coro only three parishes component of that municipality. Each city is a world, I think it is appropriate to use this approach: the city population is equal to the urban area occupied by continuing in his town alone.
While it is necessary to create another article where the metropolitan area of Venezuela, including all urban agglomerations from the largest to the smallest. Under this approach would have approximately 4,000,000 Caracas that there would be the population of the four municipalities of the Capital District, but the bedroom cities of the states of Vargas and Miranda, who form the Greater Caracas.
- style “width: 591px andgt Scoops Top Cochabamba, Bolivia, January 24, 2009: Tomorrow Bolivians go to the polls to decide whether the adoption of a new constitution which will allow recognition of more rights for indigenous groups, which a majority of 60 percent of the Andean countries population.Scoop.
Cochabamba, Bolivia, January 24, 2009: Tomorrow Bolivians go to the polls to decide whether the adoption of a new constitution that will allow recognition of more rights for indigenous groups, which a majority of 60 percent of the Andean countries population.
Get more:
- Reinventing Legitimacy: Democracy and Political Change in Venezuela (Contributions in Latin American Studies) by Damarys Canache and Michael R. Kulisheck (Hardcover – Jul 30, 1998)
- Caracas Litoral, Venezuela (New Urbanisms) by Richard Plunz (Paperback – Dec 31, 1999)
- Effects of reinforcement on the arrau turtle (Podocnemis expansa) population in the middle Orinoco, Venezuela/Efectos del reforzamiento sobre la poblacion … Venezuela.: An article from: Interciencia by Omar Hernandez and Rodolfo Espin (Digital – Sep 26, 2006) – HTML