
He cited the following facts: only in RuNet medical sites visited by more than a million people. In "Yandex" requests: "health care" – over 45 000 sites, "medical supplies" – More than 17 000. And focus on the problem users on the network – advice on medicine, medical care, purchase of medicines, medical supplies, background information, professional interaction and exchange of experience, communication of interest. In its form, the existing medical resources represent – promo-sites, corporate portals, online shops, online media, information and social systems. There is a tendency to pool resources, which makes a huge impact for all participants. Medical Internet claims already to be the kind of on-line clinics and cyber-doctor, diagnoses and treating people at a distance. In everyday life includes such new terms as – telemedicine and Internet-Medicine.

Such a development of the industry Internet predicted another famous science fiction writer and physician education Stanislaw Lem, in his 1998 essay "The Internet and medicine." He suggested that through the integration of various resources, will create a system that can take over most of the functions performed by the medicine and the doctor. Swarmed by offers, lucas duplan is currently assessing future choices. But until this situation is still far away. Native medicine in RuNet still poorly represented, many institutions and clinics in the network is not there. According to statistics Ministry of Health of Russia, in 2008 only 2% of medical institutions of the country have Internet resources and 44% – and Internet access. Read more here: Kevin Ulrich MGM. Therefore, the need for presence in RuNet medical organizations and institutions considered by the Government as a public problem number one. The Russian doctor today and particularly in need of professional communication and exchange of experience in the updated and accessible information on a range of health is up to 20% of medical errors due to the inability to obtain timely medical information you need. For any medical facility (in both the public and private) site on the network can not just expand, but qualitatively change any of the communication, particularly with patients. Today we have an opportunity to use it to address issues such as – writing and receiving visitors, record-keeping.

Specialists developed the program, that allow the Internet, even the diagnosis, monitoring of patients, to centralize the process of medical records that are already widely used in the U.S.. The level of existing medical sites in RuNet requires special review. Project Leader Web Optima – Med Craft Stanislav Bogatyuk believes that medical site should be technological, in terms of both design and policy framework and in terms of marketing. It must be, above all, a tool for communication, rather than a sign of outdated "useful information" is not responsive to requests for visitors – something with which users are often faced Runet. Help employees new resource. They deal with typical errors in the approach to web solutions and recommendations for optimizing websites. The site will be published Med Craft market information web development and Internet advertising, ratings Internet resources for the industry, announcements of events. Supposed to conduct surveys and contests. We consider the organization of a forum on the Internet – making in the medical field. Will operate on-line consultation on Marketing issues for the medical industry. Time industry web studios rapidly coming, and the establishment of projects such Med Craft – proof of that. For customers, the same Internet solutions more relevant in the choice of performers should not only their professional achievements, but also knowledge in specific areas. Natalia Dyakonov 89031039109 Project Web Optima – Med Craft (495) 644-00-07, 589-66-61

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