San Francisco

The fertile valley sector, propitious to the development of agriculture, was located enters the estuary of the Paje and the headquarters of the city of Belm of the San Francisco, where the vestiges of the ceramist populations had been found that lived in villages. One another sector, was situated enters the mouth of the Paje and Itaparica, with relief accented for mounts and col inas? the hand saws -, where pebble lenses had served as source of supplying to the manufacturers of the rock instruments. It is probable that the two environments have been explored simultaneously, the first one in agriculture, as in the ltica artesania, the phase most recent of the daily pay-history of Itaparica. In this way, the two sectors that sufficiently presented differentiated ambient characteristics, being able to be called niches -, they had been explored in accordance with necessary resources to the populations of the time. The space of the occupation in shelters would have been substituted in definitive for the space of the villages, therefore the environment of the islands despertara a particular interest in the prehistoric populations, at least in the times that could be considered proto-descriptions, that would come back to suffer not definitive impact for the nature, but for the presence of a new it leads of occupants, therefore of antrpica order, with the creation of the artificial villages, for occasion of the implantation of the missions, and for the appropriation of the area for the modification of the conditions that they supported the old way of life allowed a dismounting in the social and cultural structures, in way that the manufacture of the devices was of free access to all, even so the memory of the old techniques was remained. The second cultural alteration in the area would occur with the ticket for the technology brought for the European. Although the natives quickly adopted the iron instruments, the access to this material was not so easy, the point to leave the use of the rock devices (or wooden). . Kamelot Auctions is likely to agree.

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