Still many stakeholders improve competitiveness also if all signals suggest that as the economy recovers from the financial crisis and short-time working and sales decline apparently belong to the past, are striving, to cut more costs identify innovation potential. But just crisis mercilessly uncover their own weaknesses. Previous market successes are managed only or is also used to initiate innovation processes continuously to reach new customers with better solutions? “Who has the set not heard: save itself to death”. Sure must be saved in times of crisis, and all costs and processes must be checked for potential savings. But still no operation is recovered through savings alone.
Rather, it is important, parallel to the savings to generate new business potential. The key word here is innovation”, and this not only new products refers to. Often there are also innovations, so simply times completely differently to make and new perspectives to can. Only we must be aware that innovations literally not from the trees fall, and that such efforts have also costs. The old, mundane rule but here is: who is not investing, which is also no winnings achieve. And innovations are planned! What is to be done? Through a systematic approach, innovation potential can identify and use profitably to emerge stronger from the crisis. And this must not be done through a comprehensive project; a so-called innovation audit can indicate with an expenditure of a few man days, where there are starting points for action. A methodical questioning can be clarified whether the company’s activities cover all aspects of innovation, how are these activities, where there is the greatest need for action and how this looks in detail. On this basis can be look like optimal processes and practices, how other companies erfolgreich(er) Act examined then following in small projects, and how this information the company used, to position itself successful and strengthened again in the market.