Social Subjects

One treats, according to Zabaleta, of a service " to carta" based on the needs of the children and their families. For the development of the initiative, the department of Social Subjects has signed an agreement of collaboration with the cooperative of social initiative Agintzari, that tells on experience in workings of attention the childhood and that will guard so that there is a project pedagogical in ' nidos'. The caretakers, who will work in regime of cooperative with the supervision of the Administration, have been selected in this first stage by organizations LAN Ekintza and Getxolan in collaboration with the Basque service of Lanbide use and have received a specific formation for the care to the minors. Profile the profile of the possible caretaker, who will not have to be smaller of 30 years and must have the graduated student, is object of an exhaustive study, according to the advisor. In their selection, the knowledge of euskera and questions related to the childhood, as well as the enterprising spirit of the person or his dedication to voluntary military service workings are valued. The advisor, who has demonstrated " the enormous labor opportunities " that this initiative presents/displays facing the future, has explained that the service will be " almost subsidized to the one hundred percent " by the Administration in its starting phase, in which a quota to the families of 100 Euros to the month will be received. The final quota will settle down once generalized the service and it will be determined based on the resources of the beneficiary families. The houses reconverted ' nidos' they will have to fulfill technical characteristics like having a useful surface noninferior to 8 meters square destined to the service, besides equipped zone for the care of the babies or of elements of security, among others equipment. The advisor has indicated that the initiative beginning widely is extended in European countries, although in Spain there are little precedents. A similar experience in Navarre exists solely, another one " something more espordica" in Huesca and a similar initiative of character deprived, without public participation, in Madrid, according to Zabaleta. Source of the news: The Basque Country will at home have a well-taken care of service of of children percent monthly Euros

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