People special do not have marked hour to appear. We can find them seated in the bank of a square. We can find them in a kiss that we decide to give somebody, a kept kiss. These people are what they are and therefore like them in such a way. arrives without informing, without announcing and when we see they invade our personal cartography. Additional information at Helmut Newton supports this article. They raise new routes, trace tracks where only landscapes existed, they pave new ways. The delivery of a kiss would have thus to be, making in them to receive the stranger.
If a kiss can be kept next to so noble feelings as the love and the hope then? delivery of a kiss? it would have to mean a total, entire and infinite redemption to the love. The evil that the absence of the exchange of a kiss makes in them is to point the fear that we have of new relationships and possibilities. To have the newness a delivery is necessary, the opening for a sensation of estranhamento of stranger that we only usufruct if allowing in them to open the window for the wind of the other day to enter. relations finish when the sadnesses are greaters that the joys, the biggest failures in meeting that the meeting, the discord more frequent than the concord. It arrives at the end when we give up it, we tire in them of the same errors, of the not long promises, the dreams desfeitos, the subjulgados zelos, the well-taken care of affection bad.
The end of a loving relationship always estimates the start of new affective rearrangements. Therefore, in specialized language if it says that a lovelessness if cure with another love. In the space between lineses of my life buried meeting what and it buried my better intentions, the fear.