
The vision: The individual bathroom planning so easy that it fits on a beer mat. This now allows the bath water NetWORK GmbH, with its concept ‘ the bath on m coasters!’. Old wood, April 8, 2010: So far the planning of a new bath was a complicated affair. In a bad show many different baths in realistic scenarios presented to the customers, but he can not buy it there. He does not receive information about the installation costs in the exhibition.

With specialist craftsmen, however, it may acquire bathroom for this, but very few have an own exhibition. This little customer-friendly starting point now fundamentally changes the bath water network GmbH. She designed a special terminal that integrates well in the bathroom exhibition. It consists of a table in dark wood design, a 24 “monitor and a clever Base cabinet. From a built-in refrigerator, fresh beer of the marketing partners or non-alcoholic drinks are served the customer on request. Hyundai has much to offer in this field.

From the Terminal control Consultants and customers a Web-based application. It allows it to plan a complete bathroom in about 30 minutes. When planning, the name of the concept is the bath on’m coasters!” Program. The outlines and components of the bathroom are first sketched on a beer mat. Then the seller goes through step by step a questionnaire with the customer. While they answer questions such as: when was the building built? “, on which floor is the bathroom?” and what are the dimensions of the bath? “.” On the basis of the information so provided, a computer program created the cost estimate for the renovation. So, the customer leaves the bath exhibition with a good idea of what his wish bad will cost. Meanwhile, the planning documents be transmitted electronically to the artisans of the confidence of the customers. If the customer has no favorite craftsman, is the job rotation principle to a participating specialist craftsmen from the region. The appointment within two working days a before place with the customer and creates a final offer. This includes the cost of the bathroom, installation, and the tile, painting, electrical and carpentry works then. The bad on’m coasters!”is an innovative and easy way to plan a bathroom! The bath water NetWORK: The bath water NetWORK GmbH is a cooperation of two master craftsmen Frank Dieter Giske and Christoph Laloi with the Kiel IT-Systemhaus NetUSE AG. Other partners are the advertising agency creative agent from Kiel and the Warsteiner brewery.