Legal Profession 021 100 "Law" was approved by the Ministry of Education of Russian Federation 02.03.2000 686. Qualification graduate – a lawyer (legal expert). Standard period of development of basic educational training program for lawyers in the specialty 021 100 – Law in full-time study – 5 years. Qualifying feature graduate. Lawyer in the specialty 021 100 receives a fundamental and special training in the field of jurisprudence. Activities aimed at implementation of a lawyer law and law enforcement in various areas society. By the same author: Linkedin. The objects of professional activity of graduates are events and actions that have legal significance, the legal relations arising in the functioning of state institutions, legal relations between public authorities, individuals and legal entities. Finance and credit qualifications graduate 02.03.2000 – Economist.
Standard period of development of basic educational training programs economist full-time education at 5 years. Qualification characteristics of the graduate. An economist by profession, "Finance and credit" must be prepared for professional work in government agencies at the federal, regional and municipal level, banks, stock exchanges, financial and insurance companies, investment funds, the Finance Ministry, economic services of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, jobs requiring higher education in economics, according to the qualification handbook for managers, professionals and other employees, approved by the Ministry of Labour of Russia from 21.08.98 37. Specialty "Finances and credit" gives the body of knowledge in the area: state and municipal finance, banking and insurance, monetary, financial management, stock market, taxes and taxation. Specialty involves the study: the formation and execution of budgets of different levels, the mechanism of public debt management, functioning extra-budgetary funds, order planning, accounting and reporting for enterprises, organizations, institutions, organizations and cash management businesses, investment businesses, especially financial companies and organizations organizations, banking and insurance. Opportunities for continuing education graduate. The economist, who has mastered the basic educational program of higher education in the specialty Finance and credit, "prepared for further education in graduate school